Chapter Twenty-three -- Honest Words

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Jane's POV

We sat in that coffee shop for almost two hours. I told this man all about my life, despite the fact that I don't even know him.

I told him about my parents and how demanding they are. I also told him about Mystery and he seemed very intrigued by that part. I told him how my life went downhill when I left Mystery, how I got in with the wrong crowd, my pregnancy and having to abort, how I'm now being payed to sleep around and about my addiction to drugs.

He listened very carefully and was very patient when I started crying again.

I laugh slightly when I'm done and sniffle, wiping away tears. "I'm sorry, I've never told anyone all of that before, it was nice to get it off my chest."

He starts to reach across the table but stops himself. "I'm so sorry all of that's been going on in your life. Is there anything I could do to help you? Because I'd love for you to be happy." The man says.

I smile. "You're so sweet. But I think I'm too deep into this shit to get out now." I look down at my hands in my lap.

We sit in silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I ever caught your name." I say and watch as his expression goes from surprise to confusion to one of debate. Like he doesn't know if he should tell me his name.

He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by his phone ringing, his ringtone being my favorite Pierce the Veil song.

He holds up the 'one moment' finger and pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers the phone call. I can hear the caller slightly because his volume is up high.

"Happy birthday honey!" She squeals.

The man smiles. "Thanks Macey! It means a lot. But can I call you back? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

"Oh... Um, alrighty! Just don't forget! I love you!"

"Love you too, bye." The man hangs up his phone.

"Happy birthday!" I say. "If I'd known it was your b-day I wouldn't have dragged you in here!"

"No, no, no. I'm the one who dragged you in here. And I'm glad I did. This was important for me to do." He says.

"But how could this be important to you? Especially on your birthday?" I ask.

"You, my dear, have no idea. This has probably been the best birthday present I've received in the last couple of years." He looks me deep in the eyes and a chill runs down my spine.

"I'm afraid, I don't understand." I narrow my eyes and take a better look at his face without tears blurring my vision. He looks vaguely familiar.

"The past couple of years, I've believed so many lies and it was just refreshing to hear some honest words. No matter how sad they were." His eyes are full of sorrow, sympathy, and understanding.

I nod and look down at my cup of coffee, sitting in front of me. "What's the date today?"

"June 19." he says.

"Hey, Mystery's birthday was today too." I make as a side comment.

The man nods and looks down. "Well, I probably should get heading back to call my-" He coughs. "Girlfriend before she thinks I forgot." He chuckles slightly as he stands from his seat.

I stand and nod. "Thank you, by the way. This was definitely needed tonight."

He smiles. "My pleasure. We both got something out of this conversation." He looks to the sill of the window beside us and looks at a pot of roses. He reaches over and pulls one out. "Oh they're real!" He laughs and taps the stem on the pot, making any drops of water fall back into the clay bowl.

He hands me the rose and says, "You look like a rose type of girl."

I smile. "They're my favorite flower! Thank you!" I smell the flower and smile.

"Well, I'll see you around then?" I nod and he turns to walk away.

"Wait!" I exclaim and he turns around. "I never got your name."

He smiles. "That, my dear, will have to remain a mystery." He winks and walks out of the shop and into the darkness.

The realization hits me like a bullet striking my heart. The birthday, the pierce the veil ringtone, the rose, the familiar features, the 'mysterious' name. I can't believe it. My breathing becomes short and my eyes blurred. How could I not notice it before!

Before I know it, I'm on the ground. My eyes close and I'm surrounded by the familiar darkness.

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