Chapter Twenty-five -- Vomit

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Mystery's POV

I kneel at her bedside and hold her cold hand in mine.

"What happened...?" I whisper as I look at her beautiful but sad face.

The red haired girl walks over to my side and sticks her hand out in my face. I hesitantly shake it.

"I'm Katey. Her roommate." She informs me.

Katey's POV -- June 19, 12:38am

**Warning: Graphic suicidal messages**

I drop my keys on the table and plop onto the couch, exhausted. I just got back from the club and it was a lot more tiring than I was counting on.

I hear my phone start playing Work by Rihanna, indicating that I'm getting a phone call, and pull it out of my back pocket.

It's from Jane so I press answer.

"Hey wazzup?" I ask.

"Is this Katey?" I hear a male voice and sit up.

"Um, yeah, may I ask who's calling?"

"My name is Joe Carson from the Hot & Cold coffee parlor." He says.

"And can I ask how you have my friends phone?"

"Your friend, I believe, has passed out in my coffee shop. She's conscious now so it's nothing serious enough to take to the hospital, but I don't think it would be safe to put her on the road right now. So I was hoping that maybe you would be able to come her and pick her up?" The guy asks with distinct hope in his voice.

"Um, yeah, sure. I'll be there soon." I end the call and grab my keys again.

Ugh Jane, why the heck would you get that wasted and pass out? And in a coffee shop?

I look up directions on google maps and drive there within 5 minutes.

I pull up and see Jane sitting on the curb with her head in her hands. It really was a sad sight.

I roll down the window as I pull up beside her. "Hey girl, wanna lift?" I smile.

Without smiling back, she stands up, brushes her messy hair out of her face, and gets in the car.

Ohhh--kayyy... Not in a good mood...

I drive back to our apartment without saying anything more.

Once we're back, she heads straight to her room and closes the door.

I'll just talk to her tomorrow when she's in a better mood.

I head to my room and get ready for bed.

I'm worried for her... I hope she'll be ok. I think as I drift off into sleep.

I wake with a jolt, obviously having just had a nightmare but being unable to remember it. I look at my clock. 3:27am.

I remember Jane. You know what? I feel like I need to check up on her, make sure she got to sleep ok.

So I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen to fill a glass of water.

I walk quietly to Jane's room, being careful to avoid the squeaky parts of the floor.

Should I knock? It's passed three in the morning... She probably is asleep. Yeah, I don't want to wake her up if she is sleeping.

I grab the doorknob and slowly turn it, making it click softly. I push open the door and can't see anything. She usually sleeps with her curtains open but they're closed tonight. I pull my phone out of my bra and turn on the flashlight, shining a bright light onto the floor. I blink to adjust my eyes.

I move the flashlight slowly over to her bed so I don't blind her.

I see her sprawled out on her bed, still in her clothes and I laugh to myself. She must've been beat tired. She's not even under the covers.

I put the glass of water on her nightstand and start to make my way out of her room. I reach the bottom of her bed and step on something glass.

I try not to shout out in pain as I feel my bare foot start to bleed. I hold my flashlight on the ground beneath me and see a small glass bottle.

I bend over to pick up the remnants of it. The bottle is an old fashioned coke bottle but written on it with her hand writing, it's labeled BLEACH.

I gasp and drop the bottle. It's obviously empty because the ground where it laid is dry.

I quickly hop over to the light switch and turn it on.

I get a better look of Jane. Her face is buried in the pillows, blocking all air passage ways. Her feet are dangling off the edge of her bed and her arms are covered in blood.

My mind goes blank as my hand flies up to my mouth. I'm going to throw up. My stomach churns and I bend over and vomit all over my feet, making my hurt foot sting even more.

My eyes immediately produce tears and my whole body starts to shake. I fall to the ground because my legs are so unstable.

I need to call someone. People need to know. I need help. Maybe there's still a chance.

I crawl over to her nightstand, being covered in vomit, blood and tears. I search for her phone, meanwhile knocking over the glass of water. Once I find it I turn it on.

"Goddamn it!" I curse. Her phone has a pass code. I click on the emergency calls button and dial 911.

Once I tell the receptionist everything I can while crying, I tell her to call her parents.

I wait in my vomit for the ambulance to arrive. Once it does, I watch as they take her off her bed and wheel her into the truck. I slowly follow behind as I realize that I'm starting to go into shock.

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