Chapter Twenty-six -- Prayers

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Please watch the video! ⬆⬆⬆ It's a song called A Match Into Water by Pierce the Veil. If you aren't a fan of heavy rock, please just look up the lyrics because they go PERFECTLY with this chapter. Although if you're anything like me, you'll have to watch it a couple times in order to understand the full meaning ;)


Mystery's POV

I start crying as Katey tells me her story.

My Jane! My little rose... All because I said hello and offered a kind word.

I brush a strand of her matted brown hair out of her face. She's still so beautiful... Despite having changed.

Her parents both left when they saw me here and Katey just barely stepped out of the room. Now it was just me and Jane. The only noises are my sobs, her light breathing and the beeping of the heart monitor. The monitor that counts down to her death.

I'm reminded of a moment that me and Jane both had in high school together, the moment that made me truly fall in love with her.

"Listen to my heart beat." I had said.

She laid her head on my bare chest and listened to the beat of my heart for a few minutes. "Why?" She asked.

"Despite all that we've both been through, our hearts are still beating. Announcing to the world that we're both still alive and that's saying a lot. Many people don't make it this far. So I'm proud of you." I wrapped my arms tighter around her and we stayed there, holding each other, until the last bell rang.

I stand up and walk over to the window. I stare at my reflection in the glass rather than looking through it, and run a hand through my hair.

My thoughts are so jumbled up that I'm starting to get a headache, just from trying to sort them out.

I slam my fist on the window sill and growl.

"I'm such an idiot!" It would've been better if I'd never gone out on that stroll. If we'd never met up again. I have a girlfriend. Macey was there for me when Jane was not.

I shouldn't be feeling like this.

I wipe away my tears and walk out of the room. I don't know where I'm going but I needed to get out of that room for a while.

I pass her parents in the cafeteria and Katey in the gift shop.

Soon, I find myself outside the doors of the hospital chapel.

I stare at the doors.

I've never been really good at attending church or anything, but I did believe in a higher subject.

I walk into the dimly lit room and sit down in the back bench. I'm all alone in here right now so I speak aloud when I start to pray.

"God? I know you're up there, and I know you can hear me right now, but I need you to listen to me. I've seen your hand many times in my life. Like sending Mr. Bird into my life to help me have a home to grow up in. And by sending me Macey when I needed her. But one of the biggest blessings which you've sent me, was Jane. I was at a very low point in my life. I had no friends, no loving parents, no spare time, and no motivation. Then I met Jane. She changed me to be the man that I am today. I have a college education and a well-paying job because of her influence in my life. And right now, she's up there in that room on her death bed." I start crying as I point upwards towards the top floor and stare at the statue of Christ up front. "I have done NOTHING in return for her. Her life has gone to the dogs and all because she loved me and wanted to make the right choices. And I don't know what I'll do if she lives, but I do know what I would do if she died. I would be joining you and her up in the afterlife the very same day. God I can't live without her. I have gone four years without that amazing woman in my life and I'm not about to try and finish out the rest of my life without her. I NEED her! Please have mercy..." My face drops to my hands and I sob some more.

I stay in that chapel, praying and crying for thirty more minutes before I decide to go back up to see her.

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