Chapter Thirty-Four -- Intimate Interactions

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Jane's POV

After I win the third round of battleship and we finish our wine, we put in the movie The Notebook.

I snuggle next to Mystery and press myself to him as the movie starts. He starts rubbing my back, making my simple black tank top begin to ride up. My skin tingles and I find it hard to focus on the movie.

I've had sex several times, but this feels different. All the other times, it was my job to have these feelings. I was forced to feel things like this. But now, when no one is telling me how to feel, it's strange and it honestly kind of scares me.

Me and Mystery have seen each other in only underwear, but nothing farther than that. As much as I'd like for Mystery to see me, it would be different than what I was used to. He's had romantic sex before, I haven't. I wouldn't know what to expect or how to act.

I curl up on the couch and rest my head against his shoulder. He pets down my hair and kisses my head. He places two fingers underneath my chin and lifts my head up to meet his. We look into each others eyes for a minute before he softly and intimately places his lips on mine.

I want him. I need him. But I'm too scared. We're only kissing. I remind myself not to get ahead of myself and to enjoy this bliss moment with my fiance. I place my hands on his chest as he cups my face with both of his hands. We deepen the kiss and I adjust my position to be more comfortable. The kiss becomes more heated and intimate as Mystery presses me against the back of the couch and places one hand on the small of my back, where my tank has riden up. I clutch his t-shirt in my hands and begin to pull it over his head. He pulls away from my lips for a split second to take it off himself. We return to kissing as my hands explore his bare chest and back.

His hands make their way underneath my tank top and he begins to pull it up. I gasp as his warm hands meet my bare belly and he slowly explores higher and higher. My skin tingles with every touch and he begins to kiss my neck, making me feel a different sensation. I run my fingers through his hair and press him against me. He moans and pulls my tank top over my head, leaving me in my black bra and volley ball shorts.

"Jane... You're beautiful!" Mystery breathes huskily as he takes in my body, before kissing my neck and chest again.

"Mystery..." I stop him. "I'm not sure if I can do this." I exclaim hesitantly.

He looks at me with a serious look. He looks so beautiful. With his pale, defined chest and his brown hair ragged and serious expression as he looks at me. How did I end up with a man like this?

"Are you ok Jane? What do you mean?" He asks.

I look down, embarrassed.

"No, honey, don't be embarrassed. I want you to feel like you can talk to me. Because you can, about anything. I'll listen." He cups my face in his hand and stares into my eyes.

I think about how I'm going to say how I feel. "Mystery, I love you. And you know that."

He nods.

"Well it's just, I'm scared. That I won't... do it- right... You know?" I ask awkwardly and I watch as understanding takes over his features. "Because of my, uh, background... I'm worried of the outcome of what may happen, I guess." I look away, blushing.

Mystery smiles kindly and puts his hand gently on my leg. "Well if you don't feel comfortable, then I won't make you do anything. Plus I have a better idea." He smiles widely.

"And what's that?" I ask, curious.

"We're going to build a fort."

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