Chapter Forty -- Happy Endings

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Three years later...

Jane's POV

Well here we are. Me and Mystery have been married for three years and we have a beautiful little boy. His name is Dustin because it means fighter, or warrior. And our little messy ball of brown hair will always fight when the world tries to tear him down like it did us. Dustin is also really excited to meet his younger sister Rose, who is on her way to this world right now.

I squeeze Mystery's hand and try not to black out. It is most definitely not easier the second time around.

Once the sounds of beautiful cries fill the room and my ears, I relax a little bit. Mystery leaves my side and I'm left alone with a nurse who busily wipes sweat off my face and neck.

"Jane!" Mystery exclaims. "It's our baby Rose!" He beams as he looks down at the bundle of cloth. He comes around the bed again and holds the baby in front of me.

I let my tears loose as I look at my gorgeous baby girl. Her little red body squirms lightly in my husbands arms as she cries.

"How odd is it that people cry when they come into this world while others smile, then smile when they leave as others cry?" Mystery says as he stares at her, mesmerized.

I smile. "There must be someplace better out there." I reach out and take Rose in my arms. Her warm body snuggles against my humid one and her crying stalls. I take in the wonder that me and Mystery could create something so beautiful.

"Where's Dustin? Could you go get him please? He'll want to see his new baby sister." I ask Mystery.

My two boys return a moment later, both of them half running to meet me.

"Mommy!" Dustin throws himself on my lap and hugs me tightly from the side. "Is this Rosie?" He points at the baby with a mix between fear and wonder in his eyes.

I laugh weakly, the painkillers are starting to make me sleepy now. "Yes. This is baby Rosie." I answer.

We sit in a moment of sweet family bliss. Just me, Mystery, and my two beautiful children. No doctor's, no nurse's, no one else but us.

A moment later, the door opens and my parents, and Mystery's mom, Shalise, all walk in briskly. They quickly come towards us and meet the new baby.

"Grandma! Grandpa! Grandma!" Dustin exclaims and jumps off the bed to meet his grandparents. He's always connected better with Mystery's mom.

After our wedding, Mystery began growing the connection between him and his mom. He's been giving her private psychotherapy talks to help her with her depression and many addictions. They've grown excessively closer. As have me and my parents. We all have family dinners every other Sunday.

Mystery and I still have our own little drug addictions but together we're growing and learning. Over the past three years, we've come so far.

I watch as my family talks and rejoices over Rose and my vision starts to blur. The doctor returns and takes my baby. She's safe. The voices around me begin to quiet and smudge together. My eyelids get heavy and my body starts to tingle.

"Mystery," I reach out aimlessly and he grabs my hand.

"Are you ok Jane?" He asks and kisses my knuckles.

I smile. "We did it Mystery. We did it."

"Yes. So we did." He pulls my blanket up higher and kisses my forehead. "You were so strong, baby." Is the last thing I hear before my vision goes black and I fall asleep.

We did it. We made it. We found our way. We'll never be stuck in those thorns again. Yes there will be more thorns to come, but we can face those together. As a family. Together forever.


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