Chapter Thirty-Five -- Love Fort

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Mystery's POV

We laughed as we threw pillows across the room at each other. Jane put her tank top back on and her hair is tangled all around her face. As much as I really want her, I'm glad we're doing this instead. It helps her trust me more and we can have more fun this way.

We get our pillows and blankets laid out on the floor and start pinning up sheets, to make our fortress.

Once it's done we climb inside and lay down beside each other, laughing.

"God... I'm so lucky to have you Jane. I don't know where my life would be now without you." I brush her hair behind her ear as she smiles estatically back at me, still hyper from our battle with pillows.

"I love you Mystery." Her features soften and she scoots closer into my side.

"I love you too Jane." I smile.

We lay next to each other for a while in silence. Right when I thought she was asleep, she speaks up and says, "So where are we headed, you and me? What does our future look like?"

I look over at her. "Well, I'm not really sure, lets figure that out. Starting with our wedding. What colors do you want?"

"Ooh, nothing bright. I hate bright colors. I love anything dark with black." She smiles.

"Alrighty, black and... Red? Does that work?"

"I love it! And we can have roses all over the place. With the thorns still on."

I smile. "Sounds lovely. What do you want for refreshments?"

"Cake for sure. At least three layers. And maybe Italian Sodas? What do you think?"

"I love Italian Sodas! Maybe we could also have cookie plates and, ooh! A chocolate fountain and fruit!" I exclaim.

"Ooh! Fondue! I love it!" She snuggles under my arm. "Where should we go on our honeymoon?"

I smile at the thought of our honeymoon. "How would you feel if I planned something and surprised you?" I look into her bright, multicolored eyes.

She smiles mischievously. "Sounds like a plan."

I look up at the ceiling of our fort. "What about family? How do you feel about that?"

"Well, I want one, if that's what you're asking." A slight blush had risen to her cheeks.

"How many kids would you want?" I ask.

"At least two." She says and we look at each other again.

"I'm excited. Excited to start this new adventure with you.  We're going to live a good life." She says and kisses my cheek.

I turn my face and kiss her lips. She was all I needed. If nothing else worked out, I'd be happy as long as she were by my side.


Jane's POV
One week later

I've had my suspicions. And I'm scared.

"Thank you! Have a nice day, Nora!" I say goodbye to my new boss and leave from my successful first day of work.

I hop in my car and head to the nearest convenience store. After I fill my car up with a few tanks of gas to get me home, I quickly run inside the gas station building.

It's around 6 o'clock and the sky is darkening.

I quickly search for what I need and grab a few other things along the way.

Once I run back outside, it has started to sprinkle lightly, turning everything grey. I run into my car and drive home.

The longer I drive, the thicker the rain gets and darker the sky turns, matching my fearful mood.

I pull into the apartments parking lot and run through the main doors and step onto the elevator.

I quickly burst through the doors of our apartment and make sure Mystery isn't back from work yet. He's not.

I run into the bathroom and stand above the sink. I feel sick and I don't even know anything yet. I look at my ragged reflection. My hair is falling out of it's ponytail and my makeup is flaking off. My face looks extremely pale.

I take my purchases out of the shopping bag and put everything away except one box.


I hear the door open and close softly. Mystery shuffles around at the front door, probably hanging up his coat and taking his shoes off.

"Jane? Are you home?" He calls through the house.

Come on Jane. It's not that big of a deal. Just tell him. He's going to have to know sooner rather than later. Come on. You can do this. Come on! I take deep breaths and wash my face before stepping out into the hall.

Mystery greets me with a large smile. But I can't seem to return it. He gives me a hug and kiss then pulls back to look at me.

"How was your day, beautiful?" He asks.

"It was... Good." I stammer. "My coworkers are nice."

"That's good!" He looks me over. "Are you feeling ok? You look like you're going to be sick." He frowns.

"I- uh. Mystery, I have to tell you something."


"And please don't be mad..." I look away, not sure how to feel.

"I won't, I promise. What's going on, Jane?" He looks serious now.

"Mystery, I-" I take a deep, shaky breath. "Mystery, I'm pregnant."

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