Chapter Fifteen -- Hell

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Jane's POV -- October 27, 2016

Me and Mystery have been dating for about a month now. He quit one of his jobs so he could spend more time with me and so that we could work on our term final. Which is due tomorrow.

We are at my house right now, wrapping up the final details to finish up our skit.

We lay next to each other on our stomachs in front of my laptop on my bedroom floor. He has his arm wrapped around me as I finish typing up our review.

"Done!" I exclaim as I close my laptop.

"Good, now I can have you all to myself." Mystery nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. It tickles slightly and I giggle.

"Hey watch it, my moms home right now." I hiss as he starts kissing my jaw.

"Well it's not like we're going to be making sex noises or anything. Right?" He whispers in my ear before kissing it.

I scowl at him. Then he tickles my sides, making me roll over onto my back and him roll on top of me. We stare at each other for a second.

"Jane, you're so beautiful." his bright eyes take in every inch of my face.

He leans forward and kisses me. Soft and simple at first, but when we deepen it, we deepen it. His hands explore my torso and I tug lightly on his hair.

"Jane! Can you come here please?" My mother calls from down the hall, interrupting our moment.

"Coming." I call back as Mystery gets off of me.

I stand up as Mystery watches me with sad eyes from the floor. I laugh a bit at him and walk out the door.

"Would you and your, uh, class partner like some snacks? I just bought some granola bars and ice cream sandwiches." My mother makes sure not to say "friend" or "partner".

"Um, sure thanks!" I grab two of each. I begin to head back to my room but my mother stops me.

"Jane, you're keeping in mind what we talked about before we moved, aren't you?"

I sigh. "Yes, I am. But he's not what you think he is. He's nice, smart, hard working, and many other things."

"But Jane, you're nice, smart, hard working, and many other things too but you are not like him. That's not the kind of person you are."

"And what kind of person are you talking about mother?"

"I don't know, likes black, likes screamo bands, cuts themselves, has no friends, no money, no life. That's not you honey! You don't like black, you listen to good music, you don't cut yourself, you have lots of friends and lots of money! And for gods sake you have a life!"

I was about ready to blow up. And even though I knew better, I did it anyways.

"Mother! You don't even know me! I love black but you never let me wear it! I love screamo bands but you buy me one direction songs! I cut sometimes but you're never here enough to notice! My only friend is Mystery because Paige, Jessica and Jared are idiots! I only have money because you give it to me, but I don't earn any of that by or for myself! And just because one might call me "emo" or "goth", that doesn't mean that I don't have a life! Mother, stop trying to change me into the perfect child! I'm not!" Hot tears were now streaming down my face as my mother holds her hand against her mouth. Then she runs off crying.

I crouch in my place and curl up into a ball on the floor. I hug my knees and sob for a few short seconds before I feel warm, comforting arms wrap around me.

"I-- I need-- need to get out of here!" I say between sobs.

Without saying anything, Mystery picks me up bridal style and carries me out to his car.

He's silent as he drives me far away from home. I look out the window, not really seeing anything, and wipe away tears that keep flowing.

I'm such a disappointment. What is going to become of me? I could've done so much more. My parents have done everything for me and this is how I repay them?

All I need right now is to get away. Far away.

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