Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Nerves

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Mystery's POV--

I fumble with my bow tie in the mirror. Then I comb my hair for the hundredth time. My natural hair is dark brown and pin straight. It hangs slightly over my eyes. I sigh. I don't know if I'm ready. Marriage is a huge commitment and I have no idea what to expect. Jane is the only girl I can see myself ever loving. She is bright and colorful, despite her dark days. But just the thought of marriage makes me feel like second guessing.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say and take one last look in the mirror.

I turn towards the door and see Jane's father standing in the doorway.

"Er- Mr. Bird, how can I help you?" I nervously run my hand through my hair.

"Please Mystery, you might as well start calling me dad. Because as of later tonight, that's what I'll be." He invites himself in and sits on the chair in the corner while I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Ok um, dad.. What do you need?" I ask.

"Well Mystery, you are marrying my only daughter tonight, and I want to know why." He looks calm, cool, and collected while I feel completely scattered.

"Um, well for one thing, I love her- which is kind of a given- and she loves me- at least that's what she tells me, we get along very well, I have money to provide for the both of us, and-"

"But there's going to be three of you pretty soon, isn't there. My wife told me about the child." He interrupts.

I swallow, not sure how he's going to take this information. Suddenly he laughs, startling me.

"Oh Mystery, there's no need to look so nervous. The final tipping point of me allowing you two to get married is the fact that you still love her besides her ugly past. So much so that you're willing to keep a child that is not yours and is living proof of her ugly past. Mystery, if you do decide to keep this child, I know that you'll be supportive of both Jane and the kid. You'll be a great father, but please don't take pointers from me." He smiles sadly.

I laugh nervously, relieved that the conversation took a turn. "Thank you, um, dad. Thanks for that and also, thank you for everything you have done for me in the past, encouraging me to get where I am now."

Mr. Bird smiles and pats my knee as he stands up. "I wish you luck tonight. And please don't be too rough on her." He winks as he lets himself out the door.

I blush realizing what he meant and continue getting ready.


Jane's POV--

I haven't seen Mystery for almost 24 hours and I'm starting to stress. I know no one will let me see him before our wedding but it hardly seems possible that the next time I'll see him is on the isle.

I sit on my bed and stare at my hands while people run around the room around me. My mom was right about me looking like a vampire bride. And I don't mind one bit. This gothic fashion has always been buried deep inside my soul and it's nice to finally be able to let it out. I play with my fingerless black lace gloves to pass the time.

"Oh honey no! You'll crumple your dress!" Katey rushes towards me and pulls me out of my sitting position.

"So I can't even sit?" I complain. "Tell me what else I'm forbidden to do before I do it next."

Katey smiles sadly at me. "You know I've heard that the wedding day is the best day and the worst day you'll have of your life. It's the best because you're obviously gaining a husband from the whole ordeal, but it's also the worst because the entire day is spent wallowing in stress." She laughs. "Just wait till tonight." She winks.

I blush just thinking about it. Mystery left the honeymoon a secret to me and I have no idea what he has planned for tonight. I absently rub my stomach and feel my faint baby bump.

"What are you hoping for?" Katey asks and I look up at her, confused.


She nods down towards my stomach.

"Oh... I haven't thought about it too much. We're still not sure if we're keeping it or not." I say.

She smiles. "Well I'm proud of you either way. You chose not to abort and thats all that makes me happy." I smile back at her.

"Jane! Are you ready? It's almost time." My mother yells into the room.

I suddenly feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack. Katey sees this and hugs me tightly.

"Good luck honey. I'll be here for you if you need me!"

"Thank you so much Katey!" I sqeal then head out into the hall to meet up with my mom.

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