Chapter Eighteen -- Rose

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Mystery's POV

I wake up in the most comfortable position. I'm in only my black boxers and I have my arms wrapped around Jane. She's laying on top of me with her legs inbetween mine. She's only in her underwear too. A black bra and black undies look super sexy on her. Her hair is in my face and she smells like chocolate coffee.

I brush her hair and kiss her head. I look at the clock. 1:36.

"Good morning rosie." I moan in my glorious morning voice.

"Where's that from?" she asks quietly, unmoving.

"You, Jane, are the rose to all my thorns." I rub her soft back and she kisses my bare chest.

"I love you." She kisses my chest. "I love you." She kisses my neck. "I love you." She kisses my jaw. "I love you." She kisses my lips and stays there for a long time.

I love my beautiful rose.

----- The previous night -----

I had just changed into my sweats and t-shirt when I remembered that I didn't wash the dishes.

I hop down the stairs and enter the kitchen.

I whistle as I wash the dishes that my mother used all day. I'm so happy right now. I get a handful of bubbles from the sink and blow them around the kitchen. I laugh at myself.

All of the sudden, I hear a timid knock. I look at the clock, 2:14, it says. Who could be visiting this late?

I walk over to the door and open it.

"Jane!" I exclaim as she falls into my arms. She's soaking wet and shivering.

I carry her into the living room and lay her down on the couch. I run up to my room and shed my bed of all blankets.

I wrap her up in dry blankets and carry her up to my room.

"Get undressed." I instruct as I turn to leave my room. "But stay in your underwear." I call back as I shut the door and enter the bathroom.

I turn the facet on in the tub and make sure the water is hot but not super hot. I add bubbles and epsom salts.

I walk back out and knock on the door.

"I-- I'm good." I hear her quite voice announce.

I walk in and see her sitting on my bed, rolled up in my favorite felt blanket.

"Come here." I open my arms and she hobbles over and snuggles against me. I lead her into the bathroom and lock the door behind us.

I tug on her blanket slightly, indicating for her to shrug it off. But she doesn't.

"I-- I don't want you to see." she stammers.

"See what Jane?" I ask.

She sighs and shrugs off the blanket. There are many thing's I see.

The first thing I notice is her beautiful porcelain skin.

The second one is the fact that I can see her ribs because she's so skinny.

The third thing is her form and her perfect body curves.

The forth is her scars. Her stomach, thighs, arms, chest, and sides are covered in scars. Then I notice her arm and it's covered in extremely new cuts. So brand new that they were still covered in dry blood.

"Jane..." I wheeze. I wrap my arms tightly around her frail form and plant kisses all over her face.

I help her into the tub of water.

"Could I give you a massage?" I ask hesitantly and she nods. "Well I'm going to have to join you in there." I wink and she nods again.

So I strip. She blushes as I take my shirt off and and pull my sweats down. I'm careful as I step into the water and sit behind her, my legs going on either side of her body.

I start rubbing her shoulders and she leans into me. I massage her neck, shoulders, back, and lower back. Kissing her everywhere along the way.

We get out and towel off when the water turns cold and return to my room.

"Sit down." I point to my bed and she does so with a confused look. I walk towards her and kneel down in front of her. I start at the lowest one I can find, which is on her inner thigh, and I kiss it. And the next one, and the next one. I kiss every single scar/cut that I can find all over her body. Ending on her lips. I push her onto the bed and climb on top of her, my hands exploring her bare/soft skin.

She pushes me onto my back and climbs on top of me, sitting on my hips. I moan as she trails kisses all the way down to my abdomen. I've never felt this way before and there's no way in hell I'm going back.

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