Chapter Twelve -- The Box

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Jane's POV

I put on my black sequined tank top and black leggings then look in the mirror. My newest cuts are still fairly prominent but Mystery accepts them. He accepts me. I decide to be brave and just wear this but bring a jacket just in case. Plus the nights are getting colder.

I reapply my makeup, thicker than I have been for the past few months, and clean my new piercings. I straighten my hair and check the clock. Mystery is picking me up at 8 and it's 7:56 right now.

I quickly write a note for my mom, telling her I'm out. Just so that when she comes home she won't worry that I'm gone. I doubt that would actually happen but I can still pretend can't I?

Knock knock, knock knock knock. I answer the door and Mystery whistles.

"Damn girl... You look amazing." He looks me up and down and I blush.

"Thanks! You look dashing as well." I grab my jacket and walk outside with him.

He's wearing a light grey t-shirt with a v neck underneath a black and grey plaid button up that is unbuttoned. He also has grey skinny jeans and black vans.

He opens the passenger door to his little car and waits for me to climb in.

Once we arrive at the drive-through, I wait in the car while Mystery goes to get drinks and popcorn. Honestly, I was glad that he owned a classic old car, because the seats we more like leather benches so me and Mystery could cuddle without hitting arm rests.

When Mystery returned, he got out a blanket and draped it over us as he puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. He sighs in content and I remember something.

"Mystery, I have something for you." I sit up and rummage through my purse.

I find it and hand it to him. It's a small porcelain box with a blue bird painted on the top. It's quite beautiful. But when you open it however, it's not so beautiful. Inside are four razor blades neatly organized by size.

When I had first found the box in his room I stole it because I knew that things like cutting shouldn't be done. But I was just being a hypocrite. So I cleaned them and organized them and returned them.

"I'm sorry I ever took them." I said as he looked at it. "I thought that I was helping."

"Thank you Jane. I understand and I forgive you." he wrapped me back up and I snuggled into his side as the movie began.


"Thank you so much Mystery! I had a blast! We'll have to do something like this again soon." I thank him as he drives me home.

He smiles his beautiful crooked smile and my heart beat quickens.

He pulls to a stop in front of my expensive looking white brick house and turns the car off. We both start to unbuckle our seat belts.

"Jane, I want to thank you." He says while looking ahead.

"What for?" I look at him.

He turns towards me and looks me deep in the eyes.

"Jane, you have definitely brought out the best in me and when I was needing a friend, you gave me one. If I hadn't found you that night after homecoming, I'm pretty sure my life would be way more hellish than it was before. I--" his voice cracks slightly. "I've never felt this strongly for anyone before like how I feel for you right now. But Jane, I need you. And if you wish, I will stay by your side for however long you need me. But I can promise you, that even when you don't need me any longer, I'll always be needing you. Because-- I-- I love you Jane." He stares at me with an intensity in his eyes that I've never seen before.

"Mystery..." I whisper. "Mystery. I don't think I can do love right now." His face falls. "But I most definitely need you and if you don't mind, I'll be needing you for a long while." I lift my hand up to his face and brush beneath his eyes with my thumb.

"Jane..." He voices weakly. He slowly closes the small distance between us and plants his lips on mine.

His lips are warm and our breath tangles together, making the air between us hot. We deepen the kiss and my hands find their way into his hair behind his neck. One of his hands snakes around to my lower back, pulling me closer, and his other hand stays on my cheek, stabilizing our kiss.

We deepen the kiss even more and soon his tongue finds it's way to mine. He moans softly and I smile against his lips.

We pull away and lean our foreheads together making our noses touch lightly.

This is a beautiful moment as we're both in each others arms and smiling and feeling this way.

Then my porch light turns on.

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