Chapter Four -- Homecoming

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Jane's POV -- September 16, 2016

"Oh my word...! You are stunning Jane! He's going to pass out when he see's you tonight!" Paige gawks at me as I stand there awkwardly.

My homecoming dress reaches right above my knees with is red wine colored skirt. It's adorable and I love it. Surprisingly.

Paige stands up from my bed and says, "now I have to go put mine on and we'll take some pics!"

Once we've taken our princess pictures, my mother calls us down for dinner. She made sure that she would be here tonight to send me off to the dance.

"It's a shame Jessica couldn't be in your guy's group! But I'm sure she'll have fun with... Whoever she's going with." My mother says as she dishes up our plates with salad and spaghetti.

My mother goes into the kitchen and me and Paige dump our meals into the trash.

"I'm too worried about my dress. That red sauce would stain this baby blue for eternity!" Paige complains and I nod to agree with her.

All of the sudden, we hear three knocks on the door and Paige jumps up squealing.

My mother answers it and in walk Jared and Paige's date Kade, wearing their dashing suits with red or baby blue ties.

"Oh!" I exclaim and run upstairs to grab my tiara before running back down.

"Ok picture time!" My mother says excitedly. So we take a group shot and couple shots. Then we head out the door.

I'm not sure how to feel at this moment. Like I said earlier, I hate school dances. And what if Jared wants to kiss me, or we stay the night together! I definitely don't what that to happen, but at the same time, my parents approve of Jared and they wouldn't mind and I don't think that I'd be able to say no.

"Hey Jane," Jared whispers in my ear in the backseat of Kade's car. I look over at him. "I was able to sneak some Champaign in through one of my friends on the dance committee." He winks at me and I pretend to act excited when really I was kind of scared. Usually people get caught for doing things like that and I don't want to get in trouble. Again.

We arrive at the park where the dance is to be held and my anxiety shoots to the top level.

There are couple's making out everywhere across the field and the chaperones are doing nothing. No one is even dancing!

Paige and Kade disappear in the crowd and leave me and Jared alone. Just me and Jared. Alone. Just us. Amongst all these other couples sucking each others faces off.

All of the sudden, Jared comes up and kisses me. When he notices that I'm not kissing him back he pulls away and smiles. "Awe come on sweetheart. It's easy, just follow my lead." He kisses me again. This time harder. Eventually I give in and start to kiss him back.

After what seems like hours of kissing each other, he pulls away, smiles widely, takes my hand and leads me to the refreshment table.

We get there and Jared does this handshake thing with the guy behind the table. "Hey man! You got my order?" Jared has this crazy smile on his face. His friend winks at me then bends down to grab something from underneath the table. When he comes up he has two bottles of Champaign in his hands. "Thanks man! I'll pay you on Monday, yeah?" Jared takes both of the bottles and leads me to a far off/secluded corner.

He smiles as he pops off the caps and hands me a bottle.

"Cheers to our fairytale dream!" he knocks his bottle against mine and chugs.

I hesitantly lift the bottle to my lips.

Over the next 45 minutes or so, we switch between drinking and kissing, drinking and kissing. The longer the night went on, the more I enjoyed it.

Me and Jared were kissing so hard now that my lips were starting to feel numb. Or maybe that was the Champaign. My hands explored his back and his explored my entire torso, occasionally resting on my butt. He then began to reach underneath my skirt and thats what snapped me back to reality and I slapped him hard across the face.

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