Part 7- Hospital Trip

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Jaxon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm}

We pulled up to Kai's driveway and I realized that Trey was standin' there with Maliq and Ty. I was freakin' out big time because I tried my best to not let em see me with Kairon. I was just hoping not to get into it because I already have more than enough on my plate. 

"Jaxon don't let them hurt me!" he said softly and when he did I started falling apart inside cuz I knew he was scared. He got out the car and I followed after. 

"Yo why the fuck you with his faggot ass?" Maliq said while walking over to Kai. I was lookin' at Trey and he was mad as hell; nigga even had a gun in hand. 

"Yo chill out man, we just chilled for a little today that's all! What? I can't choose my friends now nigga?" I said getting heated at Maliq and how he was acting up. He walked over to Kai and slammed him to the car.

"What the fuck I tell you about this gay shit nigga?" He was holdin' on to Kai's neck and I was getting mad as fuck but I had to play it off. 

"Yo Jax don't fuck with me cuz I ain't playing with you bruh! Why Trina blowin' up my phone sayin' you locked up in this car with fag boy all hugged up and shit?" I was shocked that we got caught at that food joint but we was not hugged up and shit.

"Trey what the fuck you talkin' bout bruh? We was not hugged up in no damn car! You fucking crazy Trey?" 

"Oh so you be chillin' with the nigga you said was peepin' yo dick while fucking a bitch and you still wanna hang with his ass? Naw bro don't insult my intelligence nigga" I was looking in my brother's eyes pleading with him to just chill out.

"Yo fag boy! What I tell you bout messin' with us?" Maliq asked Kai who was standing by the car silent.

Kairon's P.O.V

"Nigga I did not do anything to you. Maliq I just wanna live in peace man. I never mess with you guys cuz I see the type of guy you all are." I regretted the instant I said it.

I felt the wind knocked out of me when he punched me in my stomach. I was curled up on the ground again at the hand of this Maliq guy.

"Yo don't be dissin' us! You think yo ass better than us?" He came over and pulled my head up by my hair. 

"Yo why you got this long ass hair anyways? This shit is gay as fuck man, you tryna be a female or some shit dawg?" I felt like my world was turned upside down. My mother always told me not to get into fights because that made me just as bad as the person fighting. 

"Yo Jaxon ain't gay, I see how you be lookin' at him now that I think about it." I looked over at Jaxon and he was angry but I was not sure at who. "Yo Jax this nigga want yo man! Yo he can't even deny that shit" Maliq continued.

"Well all pussy all day here bruh! Kai I don't swing like that man and I told you that the sissy shit ain't cuttin' it so quit. You best not be peepin' my dick again bruh cuz I'm not with the gay shit." When he said that his brother and Ty started laughing and then they walked off to their car. Maliq left but not before slamming my head to my car. They gave Jaxon some dap and drove off to wherever but I was glad they left.

I was looking at Jaxon and that was when my first tear fell and he saw it. I struggled to get up and I locked my car and slowly made my way to the porch then inside without looking back. I got to my room and just laid in bed hoping the pain would go away and wait for sleep to come.

The next morning I woke up and I had a terrible headache. I didn't know what to do because Adriana left for her parents and won't be back for the week. I was gonna take the chance to drive to the doc but when I got to the car the headache was so intense and my vision started to blur. I tried to call for an ambulance but before I could everything went black.

Jaxon's P.O.V

I was out of milk again and Trey them comin' home so I decided to go get some shit for the house. I was still feelin' like shit cuz I did the same thing to Kai again after we had one of the best days since I got here. I knew he was gonna ignore my ass even longer if not for good. I was headin' out the house and just as I was bout to get in the car I saw that Kai was on the ground. I ran over to him and he was out cold and had blood coming out his nose.

"Kai wake up! Nigga you gotta get up Kai!" I was freakin' out and I took him up and rushed to the hospital. When we got there and they had him on a gurney and shit they was talking about movin' quick cuz he was not stable. 

I went to the closest bathroom and I just threw up. I sat in the stall and I was cryin' my eyes out. I knew this had to do with last night and what they did to him. This was all my fuckin' fault this lil nigga could die because I was a chicken shit to just step up to my brother and his shit head friend Maliq.

I went back to the waitin' room and the doctor came out lookin' around and then spotted me.

"Are you here for Kairon Attani?" he asked  

"Yeah I am! He's my brother. Is he ok doc?" I was on edge with the suspense so I had to lie to know how he was.

"Well he is ok right now, we are more concerned about the nosebleed. You can go ahead and see him." The doctor led me to the room and I saw that he was still out. I looked at the doc and he smiled and whispered "He's only sleeping because of the meds, fingers crossed the cancer won't come back." before walkin' out the room. I was fuckin' stunned out of my mind. I saw him lookin' at me and my tears just came; this day just got a nigga cryin' like a bitch!

"Kairon you have cancer?" I asked softly.

"I have acute leukemia; I guess that head slam and beating I've been getting took its toll on me huh?" he tried to make light of it but I got pissed off as fuck to know they've been beatin' on him and I did nothing. I knew shit was about to get real and before I could get up to go Kai held my hand.

"Don't do anything stupid Jaxon because Maliq didn't know about it so don't be mad and do anything stupid." 

I was still mad and I could feel the heat in my face and my fist were clenched tight. He opened my hand and laced our fingers together. I looked at it and then looked up to see him smiling and that made me calm down instantly. 

"Stay with me Jaxon because I don't want you to get in trouble. Besides, I need company" That did it for me and I just leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

There we go again dudes and dudettes! Shit just got real and we are in for a treat lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the double update. Remember to VOTE and COMMENT if you liked it. 

Nuff Love!

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