Part 37- Man Down

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Jaxon's P.O.V

{Jaxon in mm}

I'm at the gym just catching up with my workout cuz I've been busy with work and the kid. Kairon will be working out later so I will be with Chaz at that time. I started my leg workout cuz today was leg day even though I hated that shit.

I was moving to my spot of the room when I noticed a guy that was next to where I was heading. I ain't gone lie, nigga fine as fuck but, that's only cuz I ain't blind. I had my headset on and I was maxin' out to some dancehall music. My volume was maxed as I listened to Alkaline.

I was doing my own thing and young blood beside me was doing some cardio shit and checkin' me out as well. This nigga thirsty as fuck yo! I finished my rep and stood up to get some water. I was checkin' to see if bae sent me messages but he didn't so I guess both my guys were cool for now.

"Ummm excuse me" I felt someone touch my shoulder so I turned around. Low and behold it was cardio boy that was checkin' me out a few minutes ago. I didn't wanna be rude or anything so I went with the flow.

"Hey man sup?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Ummm, I don't mean to be a bother but, I saw you doing leg exercises and I was hoping that you could help me out with some." I know he tryin' to be all slick but I'm finna play his game right now.

"Well as long as I am free I could show you a thing or two." he smiled at my response and I just got this vibe from him that I could not place.

"Thanks! I'm Lyle by the way" he held his hand out and I took it in mind and gave him a brief shake.

"I am Jaxon, you from around here Lyle?" I asked. He nodded his head

"I live a few minutes away on Bryson's Avenue. I gotta admit Jaxon, I was admiring your physique while you did your thing. I hope I am not being too forward of offending you." He quickly backed up his revelation. I chuckled at him,

"Thanks man, I try to keep in shape and I saw you checkin' me out while you was doin' yo cardio thing. I am not offended by it, I'm flattered that you think I look that good"

"Boy are you for real? You have gotta be the sexiest guy up in here and you cute as hell too. I bet you have all the girls swooning over you and the gay boys going mental for yo fine ass. I mean, who wouldn't" he flirted.

It has been a while since I have flirted and I have never done that shit with another nigga only with girls. Kai the only man I have ever flirt with and this shit just felt odd. I better nip this shit in the bud fore this homie starts catchin' feelin's thinkin' I am available. I took up my phone and sent Kai a text to call me.

"So are you from around here Jaxon? I have never seen you at this gym" he asked.

"Well I live about half hour away from here but, I like this gym so I make the drive out here." I didn't have to wait much longer before my phone started ringing. I looked at it and sure nuff it is bae callin'.

"Just a sec Lyle" I said quickly then answered my phone with him standing before me.

"Hey bae sup?" I answered. I saw Lyle's eyes get big and his eyes spotted the ring on my finger.

"Nothing much just here with Chazzy who is knocked out on my chest."

"Yo babe how come he is so good for you but cries when I am on duty? I swear that boy prefers his dad than me" I said making sure that Lyle got the dad part of the sentence.

"Aight babe I'm about to leave the gym now and head home to chill with my two guys. Love you baby boy" I told Kai then hung up.

"Yeah Lyle, you were saying?" I pretended as if nothing happened and like I wasn't being shady.

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