Part 40- Game Face

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Kairon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm}

I stayed in the room with Adrian for a while and he was still unresponsive. The nurse came to check on him and when I asked her what was up she said she could only tell that to family. I didn't argue with her about, I would just wait and ask pops what she said. 

There was a light knock at the door and when I looked up I saw Jaxon. He stood there before coming in and closing the door. I watched as he took tentative steps to the opposite side of Adrian's bed. 

His eyes never left mine until he looked at Adrian laying there unconscious.

"Hey man sup? I know we ain't tight like we should be but I am here nontheless and you gotta wake up now." I sat there listening to him talking to Adrian. It was as if they were alone in the room and I could tell he was speaking from the heart. Just when I thought I could not love him anymore, he proves me wrong again. 

"I'm really sorry about what I did Adrian but nigga I wanna tell you this when you are awake too." I witnessed the smile that made its way to his face before he spoke again.

"I got into it with your dad bruh, that man just get's to the point yo. Besides, why you gotta be a daddy's boy huh? Now, he be teeling me that if I touch you or Kai Imma have problems with him." Kai took his hand in his.

"We boys now Adrian, it sucks that this is what it took for me to realize that I am blessed to have the people I do around me." When he said that his eyes met mine and they were filled with tears. 

"I love you" he mouthed to me and I repeated it to him. "Guy, you better get up because, your nephews are dying to play with you; well Chaz would love that and I am sure that when TJ gets here he is gonna love it too. Kairon misses you too bruh, Ty and Trey, your sister is going bat shit crazy about you as well as your Mommy who is sweet as fuck! Your tough guy Dad wants you to come back and I do too. I guess the one who is taking it the worst is the one who loves you the most. He never left your side until your Mom kicked his ass out so we could come in and visit. Your boyfriend is dying inside Adrian, Maliq really needs you so if you can hear me, please fight to come back to us." 

I was out right crying because what Jaxon said was exactly how it is for us. He leaned over and kissed Adrian's head. 

"We just had our first kiss nigga" Jaxon laughed out through his tears. "Imma let you talk to Kai right quick so see you later bro." He got up and came around to my side then kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

Jaxon's P.O.V

I was standing at the mini garden when bae came to stand before me. He hugged me and then gave me our first real kiss since we got here. 

"I love you so much Jax and what you did in there was nothing short of showing how amazing you are as a person." I kissed his lips again cuz they were all wet and sexy as fuck and makin' me hard.

"Babe I am sorry for how I behaved earlier, I know I need to control shit but, that man was wrong to come at me like that. I know I probably embarrassed you with my response and I am truly sorry." 

"Pops think you got balls for what you did and he is cool so don't sweat it. I think he likes that you are quick to stick up for me" 

"Really? Dang! I'm that good huh?" I joked. Kai nodded but was more interested in suckin' faces. We were making out like two teenage boys who just got together. I was hard as a rock and I know he felt it. 

"Bae there gots to be a room here that I can get some or we can go to the bathroom" I tried my luck but Kai looked at me like, 'nigga you crazy as fuck!'

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