Part 16 - Make it Right Nigga!

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Jaxon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm}

"Where am I?" I asked. I looked around I notice I was in a room but it wasn't my room, it had different color walls than mine. There was nobody in the room and I was beginning to freak out.

"Hey Jax relax! You're ok, just chill" I looked to the direction of the voice and it was the one person that could make me feel calm.

"Kai where am I?" 

"Your in the guest room at my house. Trey and Ty went to get Maliq and Adriana and Adrian went shopping. Jaxon you scared the shit out of us!" he said. The events came rushing back to me.

I was about to head on to a next street when the light changed to green, this Ford truck was coming across even though his light was red. I slammed my brake after seeing it coming to me and he swerved his truck. I must have blackout from panickin', but how the fuck did I get home?

"Kairon how did I get home?" I asked.

"Adriana and I followed a little after you left in your car. We went by our spot first cuz I thought you would have gone there but there was no sign of your car there. We continued driving until we spotted your car and ambulance." 

"Do you know what happened?" I questioned him and he nodded.

"They said a truck broke the light and was heading for your car and you slammed the brake and he swerved to prevent the collision" I guess I remembered well indeed " Are you ok now?" he asked me.

"Yeah  just still can't believe how close that was and thanks for taking care of me" I told him. He smiled and said it was cool. I can't lose him because he is too sweet for his own good. I feel like crap hurting him again and I can only imagine how he feels.

"Kai, baby I swear I never meant to hurt you at all. I just lost it for a second and then the fact that the baby is on the way just had me fucked up. Don't leave me Kai cuz I can't live without you." He got in the bed beside me and pulled my hand over him. We were face to face and he was caressing my cheek. 

"Jaxon Harmon I love you so much! Even when you mess up and hurt me, I have to forgive you because the love I have for you always overpowers my anger when you do me wrong. I just need to know that you won't do me like that again Jax cause it hurts when the man I love isn't holding me down like I want him to." I could not respond to that, I simply pulled him on top of me and hugged him. I placed kisses on his neck until we both fell asleep.

Kairon's P.O.V

I woke up in his arms and I noticed he was already awake and watching me. He was smiling at me,


"Nothin' I can't look at my hubby no mo? Babe you make me so happy! I cuffed the cutest and te sweetest nigga in the world" he said. I was laughing at how silly we were being, like love struck teens.

"So what are we gonna do about our son?" Jax said; this stunned me because I was not expecting that at all. I guess he saw the shock registered on my face and he held his head down. "I should have asked you first if you wanna be apart of his life" he said.

"Jaxon! I do wanna be apart of his life! Wait a sec, you're having a boy?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I hope it is a boy!" he admitted.

"Ok cool, well if it is a boy or girl it doesn't matter. I will still be apart of the baby's life if you are cool with it and if Amaya is cool with it as well"

"Naw, we are together and we share joys, sorrows, hardship, pain and happiness. He is your kid as much as mine. We are doing this together ok!" he was passionate about this and it made me proud to know that he wanted this life with me. He got out of bed wearing his boxers alone and grabbed my hand,

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