Part 41- Life

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Maliq's P.O.V

{Maliq in mm}

Walking towards the room, I was hoping that Adrian would forgive me for everything. I knew it would take a while for them to get here with traffic and all so I tried composing myself at the door. Everything felt like slow motion from that point on. Touching the door handle; I could feel the coldness from the metal, I could hear the beeping of the machines even more now that the door is opened. I looked at him from the door and his head slowly turned so his eyes were now focused on me. 

I didn't know that I was crying until I tasted the salt from the tears. I used the back of my hand to wipe my eyes then made my way over to where he laid. I could see that he was fighting his tears, he was having a conflicted feeling and that made me feel even worse.


"Don't say it Maliq! Just get out of my room please" he cut me off. I am not that kinda nigga to just up and run. I sat on his bed instead and took his hand gently in mine. I laid my head on his chest because it felt right in that moment. I wanted to hear his heartbeat and I did. His hand made its way through my hair, it was all I needed at this moment to just keep me calm. Our hands were still clasped together and I brought it to my lips and placed kissed all over his hands. 

"Maliq how am I alive?" he asked while he raised me up to look at him. His eyes that were once full of life now seemed tired and sad. He looked at me expectantly but, all I could do was move closer to him so I could press our foreheads together.

"You alive cuz I can't live without you babe. I know I fucked up Adrian but please believe me that I got my share of hurt from this and I will work to gain your trust and love again. Your sister found you and your parents chewed me out. I am begging you to forgive me Adrian because I love you with all my heart."

My eyes were closed as I said a silent prayer hoping that he would not push me away. I felt his tears and his lips pressed to mine.

"Maliq, I am sorry for everything and I forgive you but you have to forgive me too. I fucked up more than you did! I have a lot to make up for and to prove to you that I love you . I gotta try to patch things up with the guys and the parents too. I love you and I wanna spend my life with you."

We spent the rest of the time just talkin' over shit. I filled him on how his dad almost fucked me up for hitting his two boys. When his family got there, I wanted to give em the time to  chill with him but he wanted me close. He would be talkinng them but his eyes would be on me ever so often. Ty, Trey and Jax were talking to me but I ain't hear shit they said cuz all I could focus on was Adrian. 

Kairon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm}

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{Kairon in mm}

All the drama took a break now that Adrian is awake and that brought some semblance of peace. Chaz has been stuck on me like glue and doesn't even wanna be in Jax's arms much. I took him from his crib because he was crying and now we were chilling in the bedroom. I had him on my chest; he was on his stomach with his head looking all over while making his precious baby sounds. Things were at a standstill when my mother died and that took me to a place that brought fear and mistrust. I will never forget my mother and all the ways she taught me, but I also appreciate what I have with Jaxon and the fact that I am now a dad.

Even though the drama has ended for the most part, things were still moving at a fast pace. Jaxon, Ty and Trey were at the hospital with Maliq and Adrian. I planned on going in later to see Adrian so I was chilling with my big boy.

"Kairon!" Adriana yelled from somewhere in the house. I bet she is having one of her weird craving right now and we the only ones here. I picked up Chaz and we headed for the stairs to see what lil ma wanted.

"Arrrrghhh, Kairon help me" she yelled. I panicked when I realised that she was standing in the kitchen by the sink. I quickly placed Chaz in his bassinet and ignored his crying. 

"What happened? Did you bump your stomach?" I asked while she held my arm squeezing the life out of it.

"My water broke and I am in labour! Get it out of me! It hurts Kairon" she cried. I quickly got on the phone to call Jaxon but it went to voicemail. I tried calling the rest of the guys but still no answer. I got Adriana in the car and then strapped Chaz in his car seat  then we set off for the hospital.

"You're gonna be ok just breathe" I tried to keep her relaxed. Shhe started to follow my lead in breathing and that seemed to work for a bit. The drive to the hospital was good because we were not stuck in traffic or anything. We got there safely and they had her on a gurney; she was being taken to the maternity floor. I quickly made my way to the elevator with a playful Chaz in my arms.

"Buddy you are gonna have to stay with your dad for a while so I can check on Adriana" I told him. As soon as the elevator opened, I scrambled down the hall towards Adrian's room. I saw them in the waiting room; Trey was talking to Jaxon and Ty. 

"Trey! Jax! I tried calling all y'all niggas!" I snapped at them. They were looking at me like 'who the hell are you?' I know my behaviour was the cause of that but I was a bit ticked off.

"Adriana is in labour! I had to driver here while I had Chaz with me." I told them. I guess that bit of news caused Trey to panic because he was like a chicken that just got its head cut off. Jaxon grabbed him in order to steady his dramatics. 

"Nigga chill out yo! You acting like she dead or some shit!" Jaxon yelled. The nurses at the station gave them the stink eye which made me smirk. 

"Babe keep Chaz while I get 'headless chicken man' to his family." I handed Chaz to Jax who was pouting the moment he was out my arms. I walked back to the elevator with Trey in toe and my son crying his little heart out in his dad's arms.

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