Part 42- Cold Feet?

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Trey's P.O.V

{Trey in mm}

I was still on a high even after the birth of my son. I drove my future wifey and son home for the first time since his birth two days ago. Adriana was glowing and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanna marry this girl. We made it home with Xyon Carter Harmon sleeping. Adriana was still tired and I could see that she wanted to sleep. The moment we got home, my lil brother and his man met us at the door and helped us with getting our shit inside. 

"He is adorable yo! Adriana he is beautiful like you are!" Jaxon said as he held his nephew ffor the first time. 

"What you tryina say punk? Remember we brothers dumbass and we look alike" I reminded him. I could hear Kairon and Ty laughing their asses off from the kitchen. It was kinda ironic that while my brother was doting at my son, I was doing the same at his. Chaz wasn't up for it long though cuz his loud ass started crying.

"Nigga what you did to my son? Seems both you and your brother ugly for real cuz he gets like that with Jax too" Kairon quipped which caused the others to laugh. Jax handed a sleepiing Xyon to me and we just spent the rest of the day with me loving on my girl and doting on my boy.

Kairon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm}

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{Kairon in mm}

Adriana had her baby and Trey is now worse than his brother was when Chaz was born. Xyon is just as cute as Chaz is! Seeing my best friend with her baby warms my heart because I can see how happy she is. When I had all my battles she would always be by my side, fighting everyone who hurt me physically. I am only hoping that motherhood will tame her temper. Xyon has it bad! Adriana and Trey are both hotheads but they seem to make it all work. He respects her and treats her like a man should treat his woman.

Wedding plans were in full swing as well. It was more of a one sided thing because Jaxon agreed to everything and wanted me to just plan it to my liking and he would be there on the date. I get that he is a thug and what not but, I wasn't pleased with the fact that something that should be about us was so one sided. I wanted to experience his excitement over things, check, I wanted to experience us trying to agree on something we both see differently!

He was just busy as of late with work and the guys. I did not wanna talk about it with any of the guys so I decided to call Adrian's mom and dad.

That was also an apprehensive mood because Jaxon does not like Pops at all. Ever since their little thing at the hospital when pop told him to treat me right and not to touch Adrian again, Jaxon had him off.

I listened to the rings after I dialled their number and mom answered.

"Hello" she said. I could hear the concern as she expected me to say something happened. She has been worried ever since Adrian tried to end his life and that worry spilt over like a cup full with milk.

"Hey mommy sup?" I replied. I could still sense the breath she was holding.

" Is everything ok Kairon?"

" Worry wart, everything is ok."

"That is my job sir! Now what made you call me at this hour?" She asked me. When she said that I looked at the clock that was hanging from the wall. It was odd to call her at this hour and that is because I forgot about the time difference.

" Oh crap ma I forgot about the time difference. I can call back because I know you..." my rambling was cut short by her as she hissed her teeth slightly.

"What is bothering you? Do you want Dad to pick up as well?" She asked me and I told her yes. I listened to her call him to pick up the phone.

"Hey kiddo what's wrong? He didn't touch you did he?" I had to laugh even though he was being serious.

"No pops. It is just that I don't know if Jaxon wants to marry me still." When I said that they both gasped.

"Why would you think that dear? He seems to adore you and the baby" Ma said. I knew that much but, I cannot help but feel alone in this wedding thing. I was about to explain further when Jaxon walked in the room.

"Hey guys I'll call back, Jax just got home" 

Jaxon's P.O.V

{Jaxon in mm}

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{Jaxon in mm}

Hearing Kairon saying that made me feel some type of way. I knew shit would get like this now that I am going back on my word but, one thing is for sure, I wanna marry this man more than anything. I know I got busy and shit and I gotta make time for my family. 

"Baby We gotta talk and you are gonna be pissed at me" I told him. I held his hand and pulled us over to the couch in the living room. I could feel how tense he was and I can't blame him. I watched him as he sat there on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his hair in a messy bun. I couldn't help but think of how sexy he looked. I got up and knelt between his legs before taking his sift hands in mine. 

"Kairon I love you and our son with all my heart. I know that I have been distant and busy the last few days but bae, it ain't gots nothin' to do with you or the wedding. I wanna marry you and I don't wanna wait either so if we could make it happen closer then that would be off the chain." 

I still couldn't come out with it even though I knew I had to. He looked at me a bit timid cuz he knew that I was holding back on him. 

"Jaxon what happened?" he asked me and I sighed heavily. I held my head down in shame cuz I knew this shit would hurt him and maybe drive a wedge between us. I am breaking the promise I made to him and this shit was eatin' my ass alive. A nigga already spent time away from him and that was one of the worse time of my life. 

"Kairon I broke my promise to you and I messed up again. Baby please don't be mad at me cuz I tried to think of ways out of the situation. Fuck! At one point I even walked away but I turned around and went back. I know I promised not to do shit again and..." My head flew to the side as Kairon slapped the shit outta me. I kept my head where it was cuz I felt like a a nigga on them streets who just do stupid shit. I wasn't the man that I showed him I could be and that hurt him more than anything. 

"Who was it??" he asked barely above a whisper. I finally turned my head to face him; his tears met my gaze and I knew I fucked shit up for real. I hugged him to me whispering how sorry I was and begging his forgiveness.

"Baby I couldn't leave my brother in the dark like that. It was only one drop I swear! I am never getting in the game again and you gotta believe that shit." I tried pleading my case to avoid sleeping on the couch and getting locked out of heaven. Just having him in my arms like this made me hard as fuck, getting locked out was a big no no.

"Jaxon we have a son now and anything can happen when you decide to up and deal drugs! Trey is now a dad too and trust me Adriana is hearing about this shit. Ooooh bae I am singing like a canary cuz I am telling Adrian and even Hailey gone know that Ty in this shit too" he threatened. I knew we niggas about to get fucked now!

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