Part 11- Heart to Heart

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Jaxon's P.O.V

{Jaxon in mm}

We was heading back to Kai's place after our little getaway. Kai really took my mind off everything and him being understanding and all made it even better. We stopped to get some food to eat and sat in a booth across from each other.

"Thanks bae for a great getaway" I said which made him blush and he is so cute when he does that.

"It was nothing, I had a great time being with you" he said. We finished eating and then we were back on the road. This time he was driving. We were about to pull into the driveway and I could see the pain and fear etched on his face when he got to his house. I wanted to kill Maliq but I knew that would not sit well with him. 

After unpacking the stuff we took with us I decided to check with Ty to see if he was mad as my brother was.

"Hey babe I am gonna holla at Ty for minute aight." I said then kissed him and walked over to our house before he could object. I went around back and I saw Ty sitting on a lounge chair.

"Yo Ty can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked and he nodded so I walk over and sit beside him.

"Sup Jax? You look tired man" he said. 

"Just got back from a little excursion with Kairon. Is Trey here?" 

"Nigga in his room sleeping as usual. So, you kickin' it the neighbor now I see" he asked me while shaking his head as if he found it incredulous that I was kickin' it with Kai.

"Yeah, You got a problem with that too? Ty you know me! Kai is a really good person, like the last of a fuckin' dying breed. At times I wanna just go hood on his ass for bring so nice to people who hurt him. Yo Maliq slammed his head in the car and he was passed out on the driveway the next morning; I took him to the hospital and found out he is actually sick." I explained to Ty "Tyson you, Trey and Maliq are my family and I move on a different level with all y'all niggas. I need you now! I need your support Tyson, don't do me like them other niggas." He got up and gave me a side way hug.

"We boys and I ain't mad at you either. I mean, so what if you into dudes now? At least you picked a good one man. Don't worry about your brother either, just let that hotheaded nigga calm down." He patted me on the shoulder and walked off.

"Hey Ty how is he doing? Maliq" I asked 

"Ajax got out the bullets and he is stable for now. Go talk to him Jax cuz there is some shit goin' on with him. We too tight to be fallin' apart over this kinda shit." He said.

Ajax was a med student who dropped out on his last lap because he never wanted to be a doctor. He was friends with Trey, Ty and Maliq. This dude been bad from he was a lil boy in diapers; well that is what his moms be sayin'. When the guys got any kind of trouble like Maliq where they can't go to the hospital, he would fix em up and shit.

I followed Ty in the house and went to my brother's room. His door was closed and when I knocked he actually answered.

"Come in man" he said and I pushed the door open. When he saw it was me he just looked away and went back to textin' on his phone.

"Oh so you don't see me now?" I said

"Yeah I see yo yellow ass! Kinda fuckin' hard to hide too." 

I smiled at his comment cuz I knew that meant he was no longer mad at me. I walked over and sat on his bed beside him. I nudged him with my shoulder and he looked up from his phone muggin' me.

"Sup big bro? We gone have to talk about all this crap you know" I was hoping he would respond but he didn't. 

"Trey! I never knew all this would happen yo. I came here with you and you know I was all about fuckin' pussy. When I met Kairon at first I thought he was a little off but after talking to him in the store I realized that he was a regular just like..."

"Jax how come I gotta find out from Trina and Amaya about that shit? Why you ain't tell me? Nigga I been takin' care of yo yellow ass since you was born Jax. I gotta find out my brother fuckin' dudes now from some girls?" he cut me off and I could hear the hurt in his voice behind the anger.

"Trey it just fuckin happened! Like watching him go overboard on the yacht was when I felt the first sense of attraction and shit. I felt guilty! Then knowing that Maliq was fuckin' with him and he still didn't hold a grudge. Trey I found him lying in the driveway knocked out because Maliq slammed his head in the car. I took him to the hospital and that's when I found out he has" I found the word stuck in my throat because I still worry about it and I need time to get used to it.

"He has what?" Trey asked

"He has leukemia." I said softly "I guess the slam to the car made his nose bleed start and the doctor wants him to come back to get checked on a regular for now." When I said that my brother was shocked to say the least. The Trey I knew came out and pushed the thug Trey away for a while.

"Is he gonna be ok? Jax I didn't know" he said and I just had my head down "Shit! Jaxon I am sorry I allowed that shit to go on. You gotta believe me." I wanted to get angry at him but I would be a hypocrite cuz I felt the same way when I heard the news. It gave me the courage to kiss him and show him I can be his nigga no matter what.

"Hey how about we have a little pool party here and you can invite him. That way I could meet your nigga officially." I agreed to his suggestion and then I see him smiling.

"What you smiling for?" I asked.

"My baby brother got his ass a boyfriend! Damn! I never saw that comin' dawg, you picked a good one I guess cuz he aight or whatever." he said. 

There you go dudes and dudettes, this chapter was just a filler so don't be bashing me for the lack of drama. That shit is gonna be coming soon yow. Remember to VOTE and COMMENT if you like it.

Nuff Love!

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