Part 9- More Complex

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Kairon's P.O.V

{Kairon in mm)

I was really scared to open my eyes after hearing the shot; I just stood there frozen and afraid to move. I started shaking and I felt a pair of hands around me and I knew it was him. I couldn't help my tears and I couldn't open my eyes as yet.

"Shhh bae we good, don't cry cuz I got you! I'm ok and you're gonna be ok" he soothed me with his soft voice in my ear. 

"I thought it was you!" I said as I hugged him. I opened my eyes and I was met with a sight that I knew would give me nightmares; Maliq was on the ground bleeding. Trey had a gun in his hand and he was giving me the coldest stare I have ever seen from anyone. He walked over to Maliq with the gun and stood over him.

"Yo nigga you just pulled a gun to shoot my baby brother! Yo bruh you know I don't play like that cuz if anybody suppose to kill his ass it better be me." He pointed the gun at Maliq but I had to do something, I could not just stand there.

"Trey don't do it!" I shouted the first thing that came to my mind. "That was your friend and you would really kill your friend?" I was disgusted by his actions but I also understood where the anger was coming from because that could have been Jaxon on the ground.

"I am begging you guys to just let it go please. If I am the problem for all of this I will do my best to stay away like I have always done." 

"Yo nigga you best chill out cuz I'll bust one in yo fuckin' mouth if you keep talkin' to me" He was angry and Jax came over and pulled me inside the house. 

"Jaxon! You can't.." he cut me off before I finished.

"I'll talk to him Kai just stay inside until I come back. Go get something to drink and get some rest" he was ordering me around and I was not feeling that.

"Don't tell me what to do Jax" I said. He gave me a look and his jaws were flexing and I knew he was angry and meant business.

"Yo what I tell you to do? Just do what I say and cut the fuckin' bullshit babe! you sick and just got home from the hospital so just do it now" 

I went in the kitchen and got something to drink and then I went to lay on the couch and watch him as he left to go back outside.

Jaxon's P.O.V

{Jaxon in mm}

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{Jaxon in mm}

My brother kinda crazy as fuck and right now my balls sweatin' as shit to go over and talk to him. I ain't hear no shots so I know he didn't shoot Maliq yet. I went outside and I saw that Ty was not there and neither was Maliq. Trey was sitting at the steps and I walked over to him.

He looked up and saw me comin' and got up and went inside and I followed him. The moment the door closed the nigga was on me punchin' the fuck outta me. I had to fight back and I did the only thing i could at the time and kneed him in the fuckin' nuts.

"Fuuuuck! Yo pussy you better run! Shiiiiit!" 

I walked over and held him up and took him to the couch but he was till wantin' to fight and shit. 

"Yo Trey calm down and let me explain wassup dawg" I pleaded with him.

"What you gone explain nigga? Huh? How my lil bro be fuckin' men now? Get yo fag ass out my fuckin' face bruh" That shit hurt but I decided to let it slide.

"Nigga you gone listen to a bitch and not yo brother? We been better than this. We never fight yo and now you fightin' me like one of yo dope boys" I was gettin' heated and I knew how to make him feel guilty.

"Before Pops died you told him you would look out for me and now you gone fight a nigga for what? huh? That dude you see next door is a better man than any of you dope boys will be. Y'all think you man cuz you be fuckin' pussy and smokin' weed and shit. Trey I had to protect him cuz he could be dying and not only because of the damage Maliq did when he beat him up. He had cancer and that fuckin' head slam to the car last night left him passed the fuck out in his driveway bruh!"

Trey was just lookin' at me and not sayin' nothin'. I thought he was just being his stubborn self so I was about to bounce.

"Jax the nigga into dudes! He been checkin' out Maliq, Ty, me and even peeped yo dick and you cool with that shit?" he asked in disbelief. 

"Is you fuckin' stupid? He ain't into any of you guys! If you looked good you would see he only fuckin' with me and guess what asshole! I finna fuck with him on the real! Yeah so kill me now!" I said and walked out leavin' his ass in pain still from the knee to the nuts.

It has been a few hours now and I was tryin to find a hotel to chill for the week until I found a place. I was chillin' on the couch with Kai and I done called this hotel and I was waiting on confirmation for available room.

"Jaxon you know you could stay here with me right? I want you to" Kai said as he sat on the couch and propped his foot up in my leg. I automatically started rubbing his feet and just smiled at his offer.

"Naw I don't wanna cause yo no more trouble babe. Besides if I stay I am gonna be tempted to rip off them draws and shove my tongue between yo fat ass cheeks." I started climbing between his legs and I kissed my way up his sexy body.

"You sexy as fuck Kairon! Damn you got a nigga whipped already" I captured his nipple with my mouth while my hand found the other one and squeezed it.

"Oooooh Jaxon that feels so good baby" he moaned.

"Yeah? Gimmie them lips bae" I told him and he leaned up and kissed me. We was deep in a make out session and he was stoking my dick through my shorts when my phone started ringing.

"Aaaarrrrggggghhhh" I groaned and took up my phone as I peeped the number callin'

"Whatchu want?" I asked; I listened to the other end and looked at Kai and I could tell the look i gave him had him concerned. 

"I just want you to know that I am pregnant and it's yours"

"What you mean you pregnant and it's mine?" I could feel all the blood drain from my face when I heard that. Fuck my life sideways; can shit get anymore complex?

There goes the 9th chapter guys; hope you like it. Remember to VOTE and COMMENT

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