Part 21- The Drop

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Jaxon's P.O.V

{Jaxon in mm}

I was in bed with bae when my brother sent me a text. This nigga only sent texts when I was to do a drop. I got up quietly and left the room to head over to collect the goods so I could make the drop and head back home. 

I was at the door to my brother's house and Ty opened up after I knocked,

"Yo where yo friend at?" I asked him, Ty was laughing cuz he always be sayin' we actin' like kids but I don't listen to that shit. I am tired of how Trey acts with me and I give up.

"He sitting out back by the pool" he responded. I made my way through the house and out the glass door to the back. I saw him sitting there on his phone and I just got that little boy feeling all over again; that feeling where you act like you don't care but you are going crazy cuz you big brother mad at you. I stood there lookin' at him on his phone and smilin'.

 I stood there lookin' at him on his phone and smilin'

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{Trey in mm}

"Yo where the stuff at?" I said in order to get his attention. He looked up from his phone and got up, he beckoned for me to follow him inside and I did. He went to his room and took out the package then handed it to me.

I was about to leave the room when he decided to speak to me for the first time.

"I'm sorry about what happened" he didn't look or sound anyway sorry so I just nodded and left. I love my brother, he is the only family I have left but if he is gonna take sides over mine then I don't need him.

I left the house and went to the address he texted me earlier, It was on the other side of town and I just wanted to do this drop and cut cuz if bae found about this shit he's gonna kill my yellow ass. I didn't know who this client was but I stood in the spot we was to meet. I was a bit nervous cuz this was not a really safe part of the town and I knew a few guys that lived here. 

"Yo!" I turned at the sound and I was fuckin' stunned to see who was there. How the fuck did my luck get this bad?

"Duke?" I walked over and I could see he was not pleased to see me at all and the niggas jaws were flexin' in anger.

"If it isn't the lil fag boy, nigga the fuck you doin'?" He was steppin' to me, I wasn't scared of him cuz I could take him but he had his homies with him and I knew they were strapped. I knew this shit was gonna end bad but I wasn't goin' down without fuckin' Duke up. I was in fight mode when the three of em surrounded me,

"You wanna act gay? Imma show what we do to niggas like you!" All three of em attacked me at once but my attention was mostly on Duke. I was getting pounded but my mind was just focused on taking Duke down with me. I just clocked him in the nose before I had him in an arm bar break. I applied so much force until I heard the snap, twice! I managed to land a full force punch to one of his homies before I started to feel weak. Before I could do anymore damage they ran but, Duke was still laying there in pain. I got up and kicked the shit out of him 

"Don't ever fuck with me again cuz the next time I am not gonna hold back" I spat at him as he tried catching his breath on the ground all curled up. I left him there and then went to my car


I drove to Trey's house and when I knocked he opened the door and saw me he looked at me confused. 

"What the fuck happened to you? Who did this to you?" he asked

"Don't worry about it, I just want you to know that you need to let me know who your clients are the next time I got a drop. That way I won't get jumped by three dudes, one of whom I know. NIgga jumped me cuz I am gay" 

"Duke! You know Duke? Imma kill him!" He stormed in the house took up his car keys and was ready to head out but I stopped him.

"I don't want you fighting my battles! Besides you made it clear you don't like my gay ass anyways." I could feel my anger rising and I just wanted to punch him. I walked out and headed back to Kai's house, when I got in he saw me and of course he got all concerned.

"Bae before you freak out, you should see the other guy. Remember Duke from my graduation?" He nodded his head and so I continued,

"Well he and his boys jumped me but I fucked him up. I broke his arm twice and left him the parking lot gasping after I kicked him the stomach. I got a lil punch in on his friend then I left" 

"What were you doing there? You just got up and left" I could not look at him and so my head was down and I guess he figured it out.

"Jaxon stop being in the game! I don't wanna be here and get a call that you are dead. Babe look at you! You wanna live this life for your kid to see? Jax I don't wanna get hurt because of this lifestyle, it is bad enough that I got the shit kicked out of me for being gay, don't add this to the list as well." 

I got what he was saying and I have sent out a few applications and I am hoping that something will turn out right so I can provide for my family. I had a quick shower because I was suppose to go with Amaya to her appointment and she was already bitching about it. 

I went back to my brother's house and I thought he was in his room but Ty said he left. I got Amaya and we were on ur way to the doc.

"Jaxon, I have something I need to talk to you about. The thing is, Travis got a job offer on the other side of the country and he wants me to come with him." 

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean? You tryna tell me that I won't get to see my kid whenever I want? Naw ma don't even fuckin' go there with me right now cuz that shit ain't happenin'" I was not having that shit so she can shut the fuck about that. 

We made it to the office and we were with the doc who was checkin up on her. We finally decided to find out the sex of the baby when the doc did the ultrasound.

"You see that right there? That is a little wiener" the doc chuckled. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face when he said that. I was gonna be a Dad to a little boy. We got a print out of the ultrasound and I was really excited to show it to Kairon. 

We were heading back home and I could tell that Amaya was hiding something from me cuz she was quiet and lookin' really uncomfortable. 

"Jaxon, Travis doesn't want a child. He thinks it will hold us back and I think so too" she said quietly. I could not believe what I was hearing from her and I was disgusted by it. I ignored her the rest of the journey cuz the more I thought about it the angrier it made me. When I pulled up to the house, I helped her out and walked her inside the house. I was kinda surprised to see Kairon there with Maliq in the living room. I went over and kissed him before sitting beside him. I knew I should let em talk and shit but I kinda felt like I had to make sure Maliq wasn't doin' no stupid shit. 

"Jax could you help me upstairs please?" Amaya asked as she walked from the kitchen with a pickle in hand. I got up and helped her up the stairs and then to her room and in bed. 

"Jaxon I will still send money to help with stuff, I just really need this opportunity and I am not ready for a child" she was crying and I could understand the fear of it all but how are you gonna let a nigga make you give up your kid?

I went back downstairs to check on bae and he was now laughing and talkin' with Maliq like long time friends. 

"Hey bae you ready to bounce? I wanna talk to you about some stuff" I said as I sat beside him. I saw Trey enter the house and he was mad as fuck. I looked him over and I saw his knuckles red and I knew what that meant; he dealt with Duke boys.

Okie dokes dudes and dudettes! Check this chapter out and if you are feeling it then VOTE and COMMENT. Stay put for a next chapter, until then,

Nuff Love!

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