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Two things before you start reading

A) Lilo ar two years old , so they can talk (not so good) and crawl . You can say they are late bloomers so they cant possibly walk and can stand for sometime .But nothingelse is wrong with them . Or their might be I haven't decided yet.

B) Niall and Harry doesn't have much age difference .
Niall - 22 years old
Harry - 19 years old

I know I should have mentioned it before . But I had not planned it all yet . And then I forgot to mention it . So to avoid any confusion I posted it here. There will be mention of their ages ahead , but just not to give you guys a shock I mentioned it now .


"As much as I love the boys and love to help you. Niall , I have a job which is pretty much like yours and same hours. How on earth I am gonna do that , I will take them occasionally but ... I'm sorry mate. Have you ...never mind" I knew he was going to ask about my neighbours , but must have remembered.

I wanted to hit myself , how did I not realised Zayn had worked , a job to go to , bills to pay although I had two more stomachs to feed. But still logically Zayn will not be able to help.

I wanted to slap myself ,how can I be so stupid "Shit Zayn , I just forgot .God! I am so stupid . I just I ...I don't know man ...I cant loose this job , how will I .... Pay and boys ....I just .." Zayn told me to take deep breathes and repeated things like

"don't worry Ni , we will sort this .." , "just relax okay " ,
" let me think of something .." And then " I will help you"

"Thanks Zaynie " I muttered in the phone , still not sure . Zayn laughed "No worries. Now listen I've to go , how about I will come over tonight and we will think of something okay . You are not alone okay bub?"

I laughed at the stupid nickname Zayn came up with but nodded along "I will make dinner for all .Lou and Li are going to be so happy . They love their Z.."

I can imagine Zayn puting on the other end as he said "Dont remind me "

With final goodbyes I kept the phione finishing up my work .

At night

Bell rang signaling the gravy with mixed vegetables is ready , I hurried towards the oven , putting on my oven metts I removed the bowl placing on the dining table . I had cut a lamb braised that I had into it . After five minutes of setting I again put it in the oven and set up the timer.

Whipping my hands on the towel I went back into the living room . After leaving from work I had gone directly at Lexie's to pick up kids on the way Zayn had called to tell he will be coming a little late around 9 due to an impromptu meeting.

I had a lot of time to calm down and cook food not to mention spend some quality family time with my babies. Although it was always assuring that my kids had each other to play with so they dont feel neglected or bored. But I knew it was very necessary for us to have a family time every now and then to strengthen our bond and my babies won't forget me .

That was my biggest fear but then it was of any parent. All though they never understand children never forget their parents , they are the reason of their existence .

I made my way towards the two brunette toddlers playing with toys. Liam was building a tower with the block bricks while Louis was smashing it down the moment it was tall enough to resemble a tower. I shook my head already imaging what kind of teenager Louis is going to be , but you can't presume things .

I sat behind Louis who is bouncing on his knees ready to knock the blocks down yet again . I can see Liam's face going white which was once red when Louis knocked the tower down. So this time before he can bring his hand down towards it I pulled him back making Louis release a whine followed by a small giggle .

"Hey you cheeky , don't smash things. Liam worked hard on it , didn't he ?" I true to scold him but I had a smile stuck on my face . Louis turned around in my lap seemingly forgotten about the blocks and starts slapping my cheeks with his small hands. I don't mind because it doesnt even hurt , I brush his hair aside need to get him a hair cut as Louis traces the curves of my nose.

"Nooz " Louis says looking at me and my chest puff's out with pride as I cheer "Yes! Nose ....good boy Lou"

I finish by kissing him on his cheek making him giggle. A small tug breaks my kiss as my sweat's are being pulled slightly . My eyes meet two small brown sad eyes making me frown.

Assuming something wrong with Liam I am about to rush forward when he speaks halting me in my movements.

"I no goodh boy Dada?" His voice soft and hurt , I feel like the worst father ever. I hurriedly gather him in my arms Louis still in my lap.

I press kisses on Liam's face squishing him tightly as I mutter no no .

Louis has his head resting on my chest , a thumb in his mouth as he watches me and Liam with curious eyes. I place Liam on my other lap and brush his hair the same way I did with Louis.

"You are a very good boy Liam. Daddy loves you a lot . Okay. "

Liam smiles big an holds on to my chest as he says "Otay"

Like this both of my boys are on my lap cuddling to me as I sigh in content.

Our moment is disturbed by a loud bell . Liam and Louis jek their heads looking up at me a I shout " I'm coming "

"Seems like uncle Zayn is here" I say placing my babies on the floor as both of them bounce happily screaming "Z"(zee) at the top of their lungs .

I shake my head smiling as I jog to the font door. Zayn smiles at me as soon as he sees me and hugs me quickly wrapping his hand around me , his tall body squeezing me to him . We can here screams and Zayn's smiles stretches even more.

Quickly removing his shoes and coats he walks into the living room as I lock their and follow him. He crounches down arms wide as he exclaims"Here comes Uncle Zayn !"

Two toddlers scrambles towards him and I want to tell them to slow down. But I stop as I see Liam helping Lou forward. I feel so much pride at that , Liam is the best big brother in the entire world.

I am about to approach the joyous group hug but my steps are halted as another all goes off , this time to be of oven . I make my way to the kitchen saying a quick one minute which I am positive no one heard.

In two minutes the table is set an I yell a loud "Dinners ready !"

And we all sit to have dinner.

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