N i n e

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In twenty minutes we reached at Betty's diner and I got out unbuckling my babies . Carrying two kids is always hard , so I always keep a stroller in the car. While , we reached the diner Liam was awake since it was their lunch time however surprisingly Louis was still asleep.

I got Louis out first and buckled him up in the stroller placing a nip in his mouth so that he would not cause any disturbance once he wakes up , he can be quiet cranky . I then pick up our bags and get Liam out. Kicking the car door shut I lock the car with a click of my keys .

Reaching the diner I was greeted with Betty , the owner. She was 49 years old motherly lady always fussing over the twins and treating me as her own son. When I once asks why she was so lovely towards him when people around here are not at all she replied with "Are you asking a mother why she loves her son?" With an raised eyebrow which made me emotional and shut up at the same time.

Betty had four daughters and never a son. So ,she considers me as her own and loved the twins with all her heart. The twins are always ecstatic to see her , they also call her "grandma" , well they try to usually it  just come out as "granna or gra or nan " but everyone  gets it . And sometimes they surprise her with proper gran !

Just like Liam did right now and I couldn't be more proud , he is improving  . I smiled at him ruffling his hair as he was already pushing himself into Betty's arms "Good Boy" . Liam smiled loving the attention he was getting for once , its always Louis with his cheeky smile and loud blabber that attracts audience while Liam is quite as always . Betty was busy cooing at him as I found us a table and set Louis up who was now awake playing with his nip. I gently took the toy from his hands placing it in a bag as two waitresses came up to them with kids seats.

They helped Louis in it who started fussing in strangers arms reaching for me. I calmed him down taking his soft fingers in my arms " There there , I am here Lou" . Louis soon began playing with my fingers as Betty came to us setting Liam down. I had a window seat and the table adjusted to my right hand with  both my kids on the left not far from me . I could feed both of them easily.

Betty asked gaining my attention " So , the usual or should I make them some baby food I already got some yesterday , thanks to Rita darling " she said referring to her granddaughter . I smiled at her placing the order before turning to my kids  " A usual for me Bet and baby food please. "


The lunch went with the babies playing with food while I trying but failing to feed them . Louis had his mouth decorated with food and Liam had his sticky with all the maple siryup. I cleaned both of them , scolding  them a little to which both boys quieted down not wanting to make Dada mad. After that both of them stopped making mess , I smiled feeding them smoothly kissing their cheeks as the boys clapped happily playing with each other. They were so small but already growing so fast I thought.

After the lunch I decided to take them to park as it was a sunny day outside and I wanted to spend some quality time with my babies. Also was the fact that the children already had their nap and were cooked up in house all morning . I parked my car just outside the park in the parking space near the the. I picked my kids up settling one in a stroller and another on hip. I had Liam in my arms as I walked with Louis in the stroller behind the big bush were I knew is a bench. That was our spot , I always come here only . I liked it as my kids can play near me as I sat on the bench and read some or maybe call someone doing my office work.

Also there were small purple and white flowers everywhere on the bush that attracted both of my sons and I loved the smell that feels his nostrils. Settling my babies on the grass I deposited my bags on the bench by my side containing all necessary articles needed . I then sat myself on the grass playing with them . Liam is trying to get up and stand on his own and falls as soon as I stand on his knees wobbling.

Is sigh a bit as it is their age to stand and walk actually but both  my boys are struggling . I smile taking Liam's  fingers in my hands as I push myself yet again trying . I usher him up trying to encourage him with "right there daring , you can try " , " C'mon babe , yes up ! " .

While helping Liam I had one eye on Louis who is playing with a ball I got for them babbling loudly nonsense as the only words I seem to get is dad , lili and les once a while but I am okay with it .

My phone starts ringing so I place Liam on the ground infront of Lou telling them to play catch and gets up dusting my pant.

I receive the call watching my babies play ball with each other as Liam tries to get up yet again and Louis is crawling around trying to catch the running ball .

"Hey Ni ! Whats up ? How did it go ?" Comes the Bradford voice I know so well and smile as I answer " Not good at all man " .

"Tell me about it " Zayn demands from other side.

I laugh "Don't you have work ?"Zayn sighs dramatically .
Zayn answers with a "Its break leprechaun !" To which I fake  cry "Hey !"

With network not that great at this side I move away from the bush talking to Zayn . We have a detailed conversation about the interview and Zayn's boss being an epic asshole. My call is cut short  by a man approaching me . I cut the call knowing Zayn will understand , I will explain to him later.

"Is that your car parked outside near the gate .Blue colour with umm..number...233??" The man says out of breath and I nod hurriedly (A/N : Lol totally made the number ) thinking something bad happened .

"Could you come with me ?" And okay it is something bad as I quickly say "Ya sure !"hurrying after him , I don't want to get a ticket .

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