T w e n t y - n i n e

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I slowly look at Niall as minutes pass between us . My eyes flicker to the movie playing in front of us and then to the kids who were quite engaged into it. Damn those cuties leaving me alone now that I am in this. 

I don't want to tell Niall my story . I am scared of saying all the things my father did since all those years. Shiver runs down my spine as I roam my eyes all around the spacious living room now familiar with all the nook and corner than the first time I came here.

I feel blessed and safe whenever I am in the vicinity of Niall Horan. My mind is in jumble ,on one hand  I want to tell everything , each and everything that I never told to even a single soul. I want to cry my sorrows away but on the other side I am scared to tell him , doesn't want his opinion of me changed or worst him removing me from my job.

I only have this job now and I love this job. I already love the two monsters currently cuddling each other.I have grown quite fond of Niall and I dont want to loose him.

Speaking of Niall I sigh ,slightly loud as his determined gaze has not wavered inspite of my mute behavior.

"Niall I can't , its ...I don't know how to.. I am scared " I breathe out finally looking at my fingers nervously.

My breathe hitches when Niall places his hand on my thigh the moment words leave my mouth.

"Harry, there is nothing to be scared of.As I told you before you're safe as long as you're under this roof. " his voice is so soft that I can't help but flicker my eyes to him and then again I bring them towards his hand .

I take in the way his hand looks all pale , pink knuckles , soft with a tight grip and words are out before I can even process them .

"I don't want you to see me differently"

I play with my fingers finding them lot more interesting , can't take my words back now can I .

"In my opinion you're sweet , caring , innocent and beautiful guy. And my opinion on someone once lost is gone forever " Niall quickly answers shocking at me as I lift my head meeting his eyes .

Overwhelmed by his words I start watching the change in his expression as I speak.

"My father . H-He is the reason for all my scars and pain. Since the time I can remember he has kept me inside the house , I-I do all the chores and take care of him . H-He d-drinks and gets angry sometimes. "

I pause watching Niall's shocked face which soon turns red as I continue "He doesn't like me much.He did before ,when I was little but later he didn't.Calls me girl a-and h-hits me" Tear ran from my eyes as flashbacks came to me , years of beating flashing by in front of my eyes "I-It hurt a lot , he used to love me .He never let me go to school, t-told I am a sh-shame to the society and sh-should be lock" I pause breathing deeply.

My eyes land on the tear that slide through his cheek and I smile sadly continuing "He told me to get a job , th-that I am living free since birth and now I have to pay him r-rent. Never told me how much is it though. I - I didn't ask , he is always drinking so I don't go near him . " I explain quickly as Niall furrows his brow.

"He told me end of the month , but asks me everyday . And if I don't give...." I pause not able to say more as I take a shaky breathe and Niall continues joining the pieces  "That's the reason you would stay here ,pretend to be asleep ."

I nod shamefully "Yaa.... I didn't want to face him.I knew what would come.But then yesterday  I had no choice and I went. H-He was angry , so angry " I remember him as I speak dazed "He hit me with his belt ,sla-mmed me on the wall.He re-removed my j-jeans. I cried , I yelled for him to stop . He didn't , he just slapped me more. He was abo-about to.." I cry cupping my mouth , tears blurring my eyes "I ran "

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