F o u r

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Days have gone by after the call at the newspaper stand . I have found a small waiter's job at the bistro I sent my application to. It is not a nice pay but it will do for now. Father have not said exactly how much money he wants but asking him the amount will be a bad idea. And I know clearly that whatever I give him he is going to beat the shi*t out of me . But it will be far better than showing up with no money .

I am still waiting for the call from Help Organisation (An : dont blame or laugh on the name of the organisatiin . i am not that creative ) . If I think about it , my interview had went fairly well and they also had informed me that if there will be a demand I will be told.
According to me , my choice of clothes and my shyness have helped me for the first time. I had worn a pink fluffy sweater with black pants and a beanie. I knew this outfit was good for a nanny , seemingly I have to appear soft and friendly enough to a child and also the outfit doesn't give out my sexuality .

I knew I got them when they oddly praised my look to which I just blushed.

Now I was waiting for someone in need to take care of their children, so they will come to me.

Till then this would have to do because I have to earn one way or another .


"Dada !!! Up ! Up ! " I blinked my eyes opened at the feel of a weight on top of my chest and loud noise booming through the otherwise silent house. I am tired and just wanted to go back to my sleep again .

And that's what I did not before pulling up my cover and over my head . Just I was about to drop dead from the face of earth my covers were ripped off and two little fist's collided on my chest punching me as the voice shouted "Up ! Da Up!"

I tiredly blinked my eyes open only in time to see my two year old rascal about to fall of my chest . I held him by his hips on me as Louis giggled aparrently wide awake and wanting company.

I smiled at my chubby baby and muttered in my baby voice "Good morning babe , I see you are up "

Louis giggled at my voice pushing himself closer . I was about to get back to slep but Louis muttered "Dada....need to pee"

And at that I was more than just awake. I quickly picked him up and got out of bed hurrying to the toilet almost tripping on the blankets that laid across the floor. I rushed him in were I had kept both of their potty tubs.

I settled Louis in one before pulling his pants off. I sighed as Louis played with my fingers "Why didnt you tell me before Lou?"

I was just in time or else Louis might have peed on the bed . I remember the last time it had happened , that shit was hard to get off , the smell and stain, not to forget the hard work behind the whole thing. Still you are not able to get rid of that awful smell .

As Louis was doing his business I went outside keeping the door open just in case to check on Liam . I haven't seen him since the morning . I peeked around in my room to see if he was hiding . God only knows why Liam like to play his and seek so bloody early in the morning . I moved out and towards their room not finding him anywhere in mine only to be meet with a peaceful site.

There he was rustled up in the bundle of blankets dozing off. I smiled at him but then hurried back remembering Louis was still in the bathroom .

I quickly went back only to be meet with a site I can't even explain. I rushed forward taking away Louis' now dirty panties from his reach as he made grabby hands for it , tripping off his potty .

I sighed as I pulled him up and aside taking care of other things that were mess . I sat him on the island adjoining the bathtub as I filled it with water .

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