T w e l v e

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I came home humming a song that was playing in the diner after my shift. I was in no hurry to go home , it is the only place on the earth I never want to be . It is not a home , let's call it a house because home is the place ,where mother gets  up early preparing breakfast , calling on the top of her voice for you to get dress , where you can just be yourself and sleep ,cook and live - just live, a place where your siblings brother or sister runs around you for breaking their toy ,were you run behind them screaming because they tore your favorite poster or dirtied the one shirt you loved the most , a place were father comes home late tired from the work but still smiling as his wife and children welcome him with joy and love in their eyes , voice and hearts. And my place is a house because it is nothing like this , their is no mother to love you , no brother to irritate you or sister you can cuddle to when you're feeling low and definitely no caring father that loves you and will always protect you from the world .

  So , yes I live in a house , that provides me only three things food , clothing and shelter of which food I make , thanks to my father and clothes , I don't even remember the last time I got clothes because asking my father for them will only result into insults , slaps and hurt and buying new is not something that I can afford. That leaves shelter and yes , it does provide me water to clean and bathe and wash my face , change my clothes and a bed to sleep in .

As I reach the front door of my house I walk in slowly not wanting to get in front of my father because my day is going great , it is because I had less customers in the diner so I was able to relax , boss offered me a nice meal which was leftover but nicely cooked , the diner quality which was not at all bad , actually it was pretty satisfying and mouthwatering as I just dived into it , not to mention I meet a incredibly handsome guy , much older than me , cute blonde , with pink cheeks in the cold weather , mesmerizing bright blue eyes that can peer into once soul and two cute brunette kids , cuddly ,bubbly with amazing laugh and bright blue eyes just like their dad . 

A smile etched my face as I got to my room changing from the work clothes , putting my bag down and heading to the  bathroom . Getting under the shower i closed my eyes my smile not wavering a second as i recalled over entire conversation , my heart seized to see such a loving , caring , scared father  worried out of his mind for his children .

And I found it adorable the look in his eyes as he watched his children , assured that nothing happened to them , not a scratch on their arms or knees , his eyes brimming with unshed tears , with love of all the world he has to offer them ,shining brighter as his children played around happy and giggling .

And I would be mad if I said the children were not cute , they were precious I can tell , loving just like their father . As I got ready for the bed carrying a bottle with me carefully not making any noise as to wake my father up knowing he is sleeping , the loud - horrible , ear piercing snores coming down the hall .

I pulled a thin white shirt i had not washed since one night , so i know its not gross climbing in the warm ,yet cool sheets of my bed , snuggling deeply under , a  smile plastered on my face as I dreamed about Niall , that is his name , in a house with the children and me , a perfect picture , a movie ending scene which I hoped will cone true , which I know will never will but you can dream right ?


Getting up was a task as I had the best sleep in a while . I wanted to just curl up and forget about the work , about my father ,about earning money for the shelter I am provided with .But life was a b*itch and their was no such thing as fairy tales , atleast not in my world I made my way down ,stumbling .

It was crack ass dawn and I started arranging the utensils around the kitchen , making breakfast for who-must-not-be-named and eating some along the way , knowing I don't have time to sit and eat , not going to take the at risk , of him finding me . I remembered clear as a day the last time he caught me eating . Simple to say ,  I was not able to sit and sleep properly for days .

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