T w e n t y - s e v e n

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Warning : harsh &  abusive language ahead !


Fisting my hands I look at my house. I clutch the packet in my hand tightly as I breathe heavily . At this moment I look up into the sky and thank God for bringing Niall into my life . He came in like an angel and since then has helped me the most . And I will always be thankful for him , he doesn't know that but I promise myself to always help him , anytime he needs me.

I still don't understand why a man like Niall Horan, caring , giving , utterly sweet and sexy as hell is single . I don't understand and I think I would never as to how someone hasn't swiped him off his feet.

Now is not the time to think about that Harry .

Man up and get inside.

I see the lights on the roadside switching on as sun goes down. Its getting darker as I stand their. I have no idea how much time has passed since I came, I think it has been hour.

He is inside , I know it .His truck is parked right infront of me , outside the gate. Also the lights in the are on in all the rooms , atleast in all the rooms of the first floor

I could have gone in the day time and placed my money but I thought against it , I wanted to see him and tell him how miserable he made me. I wanted to say  a lot more than just that but I know that will end up either me getting raped or in the hospital or both.

I take a deep breathe and determinedly place my foot ahead. In twenty steps I find myself ringing the bell. It sends shivers down my spine as I remember that night , how can I even forget that night. That was the worst night of my life , he was never that scary before , he never loose his control like that

My fingers shake as I press the bell again. My breathe hitches as I hear footsteps getting louder and before I can change my mind and run away as far as I can , probably to Niall the door opens.

"What the fuck are you doing here ?" is the first thing he says and I shake my head , no I am sorry and ashamed of myself or where were you , I was so worried . I shook my head in disappointment .After all these years I should have known never to expect any sort of love or humanity from my father. My father, it doesn't even feel to call him that. My heart slums a little , my shoulder's droop a little andi takes a small step inside .

"I - I came to give you th-the mo-money" I stutter after all these years and all the anger soars inside me making me want to punch the living daylights out of  father , my own father I am still scared of the man.

I know I don't have the strength to actually hit the guy and is much afraid of the consequences even though I am  pretty sure I live with them

I go inside as my father drinks up his beer while throwing the door open as he says "Hurry up pansy" , his words doesn't hurt . I am used to it ,have  already shed buckets of tears about it in my room upstairs and then I just got used to it

I don't even remember the time when we used to live happily , there are bits and pieces I do remember but one day it all changed. His love for me changed into something so horrible , something I don't know

I slowly , cautiously follow him man into their kitchen. My eyes take in the living room and dining table.

Everything kept just the way it was that night.Couch covers on the ground as I had dragged it while crying and knifes beside the dining table on the floor as I was again dragged to the floor.

I quickly avert my eyes , I don't want to even think about last night much less recollect every single thing . Its enough to be standing at the crime scene itself. I keep the packet with the money on the table and slide it to him. I was standing right at this spot last night , I quickly take a few steps away and then twist my fingers behind my back.

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