T w e n t y - f o u r

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Unedited, please kindly read the author's note in the end!


I twist and turn in my bed for the hundredth time trying to get a comfortable position. I throw my hands down by my side giving up as I blew a hard breathe. It is not the bed which I am finding uncomfortable , it is the thought of did I do the right thing in sending Harry home? Because it was not like there was a serious reason of sending him nor he was a bother to me or my family. Infact he has been an absolute angel since he started taking care of my children , because now I don't have to be worried 24/7 if my kids are hungry or if they are hurt . I can just easily relax and do my job so that we all stay in this nice condition forever .

Then why does it feel like I just took a wrong decision? I don't feel good about this , the guilt of sending him home is weighing on me. I just found it weird and to the point of questionable that why does he preferred staying the night here than his own house. I would prefer anyday to stay at home instead of going to the office , it supposed to be the same thing for him , then why would he purposely fake sleep only for spending a night on my couch?

Now there are many explanations and reasons to this , that is all I want to know. I mean ofcourse , their must be something going on in his house that is making him take such a step . I thought if I would tell him to go , he would give the reason or just come up with some excuse and stay in . As far as I know him, he will never lie but he does hides , is what I come to know when he just smiled and waved goodbye. Although the smile didn't reached his ears like it usually does.

"You'are overthinking this NIaller . He is probably asleep in his bed and here you're not able to even close your damn eyes"

I turn around and close my eyes tryong to get some sleep before sun rises and I have to start my daily routine. I am almost successful , almost when my mobile rings. I turn around cursing and squint to look at the caller id , its Zayn?

"Zayn?Its like 11.30 !You know that I have to get up early tomorrow , right?" I hear something like a sorry in the background and then Zyan is speaking to someone , not me . I am about to keep the phone back thinking he accidentally dialled me but I stop as I hear.

"Niall! Niall ! You their buddy ?" I put the phone on my ear and answer , still in my bed under the   blankie

"yes , Zyan I can hear you pretty well. Now what 's the problem?" I hear him breathe a little and  then there is some moment before his voice comes , this time soft and alarming at the same time.4

"Okay . I don't want you to panic but I found Harry walking in the middle of the street in the woods. And he doesn't look good." I shot up on my feet as the words processed in my brain. The nagging feeling of taking the wrong decision bubbled up and I can feel the guilt rising in my throat as I asked "What do you mean he doesn't look good? Is he alright ? Did something happened, oh my god Zayn , I sent him home tonight , I never knew something like this would happ-" I am cut by Zayn as he speaks .

"Niall , he is conscious but really battered and he wont speak anything. I took him home, I mean he is with me now. I have iced his bruises but something tells me they are not just on his face and hands."

Before he can continue I almost shout in the speaker , my hands trembling as I hear the words 'battered' and 'bruises' in the same sentence as Harry.

"Leave him on the couch , place lots of ice on it. Come down stairs and help me carry the babies . I am coming in 10" with that I slam the phone down and hurry to grab my long coat and car keys. I pick up the house keys and a big blanket. I rush to the kid's room and pick up the carseats from the corner table .Placing the sleeping babies with atmost care so that they wont awake I hall the seats to the living room. I close the door and set them in the car pulling the big blankie over them .

Bless the god that they are still asleep as I start the car. I breathe in and out , in and out as I was taught by the doctor at the time of kids birth. I rushed towards Zayn's apartment as fast as I can with two babies in the backseat , with millions of thoughts rushing through my head and guilt to be at the top.

A voice in my ears was shouting at me that I ignored as I carried the kids with Zayn to his flat. The voice made itself heard and was definitely loud and cleared as I saw Harry on the couch.

I couldn't move my feet as I took in his appearance . His skirt was the same one he was wearing all day , it was wrinkled and dirty with blood and mud stains on . My eyes traveled to his long legs that had scratches on it but clean otherwise. Finally I looked at his face and tears well up in my eyes at the sight of gashes and brown – black eye.

He sat up slowly and surely but was not able to as he slide back on the couch , the moment alone confirmed zayn's words and I am too scared to ask the reason for that. I rush to him and go on my knees .

"What happened harry ?" he doesn't say anything just looks at me with sad eyes. I gulp about to throw up by the overpowering guilt in my stomach.

"Are you alright now?" all I get is nod from him. His eyes traveled around the room and he speaks , his voice raspy , the sound I have never heard before, but beautiful as usual as he asks "You brought Lilo ?"

I smile nodding my head and take the icebag from his hands massaging on his head as he rests on the hand.

"Zayn tell everything from the beginning ..." is the only thing I say as I knew Harry is in no position to talk right now.




"Harry you have to tell me did some unknown men do this to you ? like while you were walking home ?" I get a shake from him and I sigh .

I try again , I and Zayn have been trying to ask him what happened with , who did this to him but till now Harry has managed to say three words and those are "Don't leave me ".

"Harry were you at home when this happened to you ? Who did this Harry?" he nods and then shakes his head confirming my thoughts. I get up setting down the coffee mug Zayn has got us on the table.

"I shouldn't have sent you home. I should have let you stay , god this is all my fault" I finally burst out only to hear words from Harry other than those three "You did nothing wrong Niall . Don't take the blame for something you didn't do"

I look at him , I really look at him and all I see is a delicate man far beyond his age . A boy who is soulful and humble , soft and funny . A boy who is been beaten and the way he is taking this, it looks like he is used to this , used to deal with this alone. And looking at his cheeks painted with crimson and black gashes with a matching black eye and cuts on his arms I decide one thing .

"You are staying with me and I don't want to hear no" with that I exit the room as I hear the first cry from one of my sons in the adjacent room



So if you guys remember I had a book named '' DON'T LET ME GO'' (DLMG), I had removed it before not able to give time to that story.. I was going through all my drafts today and I came across it.

Will you guys give it a read again if I republish that book again???

I have two books coming towards you by Christmas as my two currently running books will be completed by then.

I want your guys opinion cause that story (DLMG) as all of my stories is my baby and I don't have it in me to delete it. I had worked alot on that one and it is one wonderful story. So please help me out. If you guys will read it then only I will post it again.

Thoughts on the chapter ?

I would really like if you guys give feedback , it is always helpful in writing further . 

Anyone interested in double  update? ????

Ri x

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