T h i r t y - T h r e e

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Harry Styles

Its been a week since Niall kissed me for the first time and it feels like a lifetime. I always thought life is so unfair for me , the way I lived before Niall came into my life.

I never believed in miracles , I thought my life would always be like this - spent in dealing with my fathers beating and his anger.

I always thought all father's treat their children the same way as my father did.I always thought mother's take care of their babies from their father. And I have lost the only one who cared , loved and protected me , I thought as if I have lost everything.

I was angry at God , for a long time giving me this life.

But then I met Niall and he - he changed me .I now know what my father did was wrong ! I didn't deserve it.I learned that father's can be loving too , can do anything for the sake of their babies because Niall will do anything for his babies , he will break into millions of pieces if anything happens to his babies. He loves his babies , cherishes them and its unconditional .

I never knew friendship ,being alone with only my father and the occasional music videos I get to watch on the TV , it was all forgoing to me.But now I know there is a friendship like the one between Josh and Zayn and then their is one more ,I giggled remembering the way Niall and Zayn bickered for the movie at the sleepover we had . A close one, almost like brothers - brotherly like the one between Niall and Zayn.

And I don't know what kind of friendship I have with Niall.

But I know one thing , I love when he kisses me. Its so magical and makes me want to kiss him more. He makes me all tingling and giggly like I am being right now trying to get hold of Niall's hand that is on a mission of tickling me.

He laughs loudly as in my attempt to push his arms I land on my bum on the bed. I bounce a little making him throw his head as he dissolves into a fits of laughter.

I love his laugh , it is a beautiful sound. I love when he sings too- he doesn't know it but when I and babies are dozing off in the living room , I hear him humming.  He has a sweet voice - beautiful , just like him.

I pout crossing my arms a little childishly "don't tease" , he cocks his head a little and leans forward on his knees now. I think he is going to kiss me , finally I have been waiting for one a long time now. I lean forward puckering my lips and close my eyes waiting for his lips. I frown as his lips doesn't touch me , matter of fact he doesn't touch me at all. Opening one eye look at him , he is biting his lips trying to control what's suppose to be a laughter.

I narrow my eyes at him and he moves forward pinching my cheeks cooing at me . I hope he knows I am not one of his babies "Stop Ni , I'm not a baby" , I say slapping his hand away shooing him.

It does nothing to stop him , only encouraging more as he pulls me on his lap "Why ?! You're so cute ! " ,he says kissing my cheek.

I blush heavily wrapping my arms around his neck rolling my eyes at him not saying anything . He is just too much sometimes.

He talks to me , tries too but I dont respond to any of his babbling like I usually do. He is now pouting and I guess he got the hang off what I am doing.

He pulls me closer as he whines "Oh Harrrrry c'mon don't be mad" , I only sigh making him frown real deep. I am not really angry at him or anything.I just pretend to be.

"Harry...." he tries yet again for the fourth time now and I scoot a little away from him.I turn my head not saying anything for him to pull my chin making me face him.

His eyes roam my face , taking in every detail and I feel uncomfortable and insecure at his intense stare.

"Babes..." and that's it , this one word makes me loose it.

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