T w e n t y - t w o

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It is the fourth night I find Harry on our couch yet again. After that night out with Zayn , when Harry fell asleep on my couch I find him always asleep on our couch. I first thought he is tired and that's why fell's asleep but one night I was in the kitchen setting up the plates in dishwasher after dinner. I went to get my last plate from the table only to find Harry peeking in the kitchen , I thought he wanted to talk something important so I went to him only to find him sleeping on the couch. I then knew he was acting it up but I didn't say anything.

Its been four days ever since and I am more curious than angry, I have seen people always ready to go home and here he is faking to be asleep so that he can stay the night. I have lots of what if's going in my mind , many scenarios for the reason for his behavior. Not that I don't mind him sleeping on my couch but I want to know the reason . He could just talk to me , I can arrange the spare bedroom for him to stay but somehow he doesn't. I think we have established quite a nice friendship since the night and all these days of him working for me.

I park my car into the space and get out grabbing my bag. Work today has been tyring , boss has me on my two's whole damn day. Continuously running around , giving presentations and meeting clients. I ring the bell once and twice excited to see my precious jewel and surprisingly Harry. I don't know why since he has entered our life my life has been less hectic and I find myself smiling more. I ignore the weird feeling I always get when he opens the door as I enter.

"How was your day ?" he asks , he does everyday with a glass of water. He started doing this when he noticed I always straight go to the bottle in fridge when I come home. Surprisingly , I never noticed me doing this until he pointed out one day when I asked him why does he do this , cause he is not our maid. He is nanny to Louis and Liam , he doesn't have to wash the dishes , cook dinner or wash clothes for that matter but he does that anyway. Nothing I say can change his mind.

"It was fucking tiring. I have been on feet the whole day , just meeting after meeting ,it doesn't stop!" I go on a rant as I wanted to get this displeasure off my chest and I finally can. He sits beside me rubbing my shoulder , I am not bothered by his gesture , I find it compassionate.

"Oh you poor thing , well I have made a nice warm soup followed by dinner. I think it will help you relax." He says and I cant help but smile widely. Before I can say anything my stomach rumbles making him smirk "I hear that you like it. Now go and clean yourself , babies are upstairs sleeping."

I look at him wide eyes as he orders me and he just rolls his eyes making me laugh out loud. Since the day in the mall , we have been free with each other and I am seeing this other side of him. I like it for sure.

I run upstairs going straight to shower. I know I should go to my babies first thing but I don't want them catching any disease. After fifteen minutes of relaxing shower I am fresh and light. I quickly put on my sweatpant's and some loose jersey moving out of my room.

I pull open the door of the nursery lightly only to be meet by empty beds. My heart beats fast at the empty room , where are my babies? I rush downstairs panicing by the second . I call loudly "Harry ! Harry ! My babies are not here ! Someone stole my babies !!" I am shouting and running ,as I land down I find Harry clutching his stomach shaking wildly. I step in front of him "What happened ?" confused and scared out of my mind because he looks hurt.

I place my hand on his shoulder only to remove it fast as he throws his head back and my afraid stance one into confused. I don't know what is going on .

He breathe's out in his fit of laughter "You" ,"crazy!" before I can ask him what is up with him and why cant I find my babies in their room.

"Harry stop laughing and worry with me here." He stops laughing and pushes his little finger in my chest "you worryward they are fineeee. They are in the hall see"

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