T w e n t y - S i x

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Yawning loudly I woke up to the first ray of sunlight. Turning around in the fluffiness surrounding I blinked my eyes opened. Soft breeze was flowing through the window , the room was nicely furnished with a small table and sofa on the corner. There was a dresser beside it with a soft chair.

I can hear small noises from downstairs signalling everyone is up except me. I get up pushing my hands on the side and groan. My whole body is aching and I look down at my stomach only to see the skin turning purple . I sigh , I knew this was to happen , I shouldn't have gone home last night but what choice did I have.

My mind automatically turns to Niall , he is been a very generous man to me and I don't know how I am going to pay him. I am in a eternal debt to him smile form on my lips at that thought. I cant imagine living in that house anymore.

Getting up I went and cleaned up first thing before going downstairs only to be met by a beautiful site. There they were , the Horan's I liked to call them secretly sitting on the floor near the tv. The twins were looking like they were having fun especially Louis who was currently riding on Niall's back and Liam who was standing bobbing up and down , little confetti's in his hand.

I quietly slip into the kitchen trying not to get noticed only for Liam to scream "HAzzz!!!" I turned around at the exact time a small body collided with me. I smiled picking him up slowly my body was in little pain but I ignored it. Liam had a flower crown which he removed and put on top of my head .

"Thanks Lili , how are you doing ?" I gave him an Eskimo kiss to which he only giggled loudly and started clapping his hand , hitting my cheek in the process. He then squirmed in my arms and cried for Niall "Daddddy ! Daddy ! See....I put fow clown on Ha-az!"pride beamed in my heart as he spoke in one full sentence. I looked at Niall who had same expression on his face as he came to us bouncing a very fussy Louis in his arms. We exchanged the kids as Niall fussed over Liam as I sat down on the chair behind me. Louis was babbling asusual about some tiger and his brother as Niall was cooing over the other. Smiled grazed my lips at the site .

"You like Tea?" Niall asked out of the blue and I nodded , he placed Liam on the floor . I picked him up and placed both of them in my lap bouncing them as they both played. I watch him work as he began speaking "This is the first time I have heard Li speak so nicely , did you hear him?" he smiled at me placing two cups in front of us. I took the cup nodding my head "He is smart one " i commented honestly because Liam is really smart for his age, he understands when something is wrong and always has Louis' back .Now , he has started walking now. I am not saying Louis is not but he is just learning to stand and he babbles more than his little heart could bare.We talked about the boys and slipped into a silent conversation on the couch with the boys playing in front of us.

It hit me after sometime when Niall asked what I would like to have for lunch. I turned around from the floor were I was sitting with Louis and asked "You didn't go to work?"

Niall smiled at me rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he said "Took a day out. How are you doing now ?" He said changing the subject quickly making the real reason for his stay known . Warmth filled my chest at his words , he made it so easy - caring .

"I am fine, just a little bit under the weather." I said smiling lightly, his smile disappeared for a second and I hoped he will not ask anything about last night.

We just got to lunch after that and decided to spend sometime indoors today. Niall got some meds for me to take in the middle as I got myself into the nanny role .

Niall brought a small tub and sat it beside me. Louis was currently running around , I mean crawling around naked as Liam tripping over his feet. I was getting ready organising all the bottles and towels on my lap. I had shorts on and a navy blue t-shirt Niall lend me after putting on ointment to my wounds.

Niall sat beside me giving me a questioning look as I got to work. I smiled at me opening the tab of one of the small oil bottle's pouring the content in a small bowl. I knew the questions dancing in his mind and was waiting for them to flow. I pointed at one of the boys and Niall shrugged his shoulder "Should I get him?" I nodded smiling at his cuteness, he looks so cute when he is lost. I never tjougt I will see Niall like this.

He is always in his suit and in control of his life. I mean ya , he has his own struggle but who doesn't . Right now he is in shorts similar to mine and a T-shirt , he looks so homey and the lost look he is sporting is something I have never seen before.

He brings a squimmering Louis in his arms and places him on my lap. Before I could catch him Louis cries getting up ,Niall pulls him back on my lap only for the little one to crawl away.

Niall mumbles "Come here you bub , don't run" I only chuckle when Louis throws him a annoyed look ,his eyes dancing to Liam who is playing with his confetti.

I placed my hand on his arm instinctively and smiled at him "Bring Lili first, Lou always follows him "

Niall looks at me in amusement and then his eyes follow my hand on his arm. I quickly remove it making him laugh at me . Blush covers my cheeks at that as I avoid his stare and wait for him to bring Liam.

Placing Liam on my lap I began massaging oil on his body as he giggles and claps hand. I watch from the corner of my eyes Niall watching Louis with a big smile as the little nugget now rounded up beside Liam's head watching intensely.

"You -um...you do this everyday ?" Niall asks pointing at us and I nod smiling up at him. He nods and then continues "What's the purpose of this ? I mean why do you ,massage oil ....I have never seen this" he reasons his questions .

I only smile at him as I say "Its something I have watched my mother do , she used to say it strengthens the muscles and brings a glow"

He nods at my explanation and smiles "I see , its good then although I don't think my sons need glow they are quite handsome as that"

We both laugh at that and continue to work. I also teach Niall how to properly massage , stressing over the joints and such.

Its at the dinner where I bring the that's being mulling around in my mind . I didn't dare to bring up and I knew Niall is purposely avoiding to ask questions for my sake.

But I want to ask one thing that I don't ask . I watch Niall stirring his soup , there was a song playing . I got to know Niall likes to cook while listening to music. I was sitting on the table chopping some veggies , helping him a little. Both the kids were asleep thankfully as Niall commented.

"Niall...I was ..can you give me my pay for this month ?" I started gulping as the month was not over yet , one week was remaining and it was wrong of home to ask. I watched as he turned around halting in his actions . His eyebrow raised as he asked " And for what may I know so early ?"

I never expected him to ask me this , but it was acceptable his question. I stopped a knife in my hand as I stuttered "I just ... I want it Niall . I can't t-tell you , but pl-lease"

Silence followed as I waited holding my breathe. He turned around humming to the tine and my shoulders defeated . I thought he would ask for what I want ,like he did but will give my paycheck.

I left a deep dejected breath only to be stop in my tracks of chopping as he casually threw over his shoulder "I will hand you after evening supper."

I loudly thanked him surprising him, he looks at me wide eyed comically and shouts back "THANK YOU" and I blush from head to toe. I avert my eyes not able to look into his .

I know what I am going to do now and what I have to say to the man who called himself my father .



Here is the new chapter ! I hope you guys like it . I missed Lilo so much, So a little Lilo for all the lilo lovers .

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See you in the next
Ri x

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