E i g h t

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Morning came by quickly as I rolled over in my bed too lazy to get up. I remembered the interview and got up hastily . Checking my phone I had a message from the organisation as promised. The interview was at 11:00 .

Wow , they work fast , its only day 1.

I glanced at the clock and it was 8 , enough time to get myself and kids ready. I walked out of my room to the kitchen dailing as I peeked inside the nursery on the way and checked on the twins. I smiled seeing my babies sleeping peacefully , I left the door half open as to not disturb them as I speak.

I pulled out the cutlery as I waited for the call to connect. After third ring a groggy voice  answered "Sorry to wake you but this is urgent , you can go back to sleep after I am finished okay ?" I said sincerely as I was indeed waking up a pregnant woman from much needed sleep.

"What is it Horan ?"Lex asked in a faked annoyed voice.

"I have set up an interviews for Nanny and it is today at 111. I am not comfortable in introducing the boys on first meet , could you take them for an hour or so ?" I asked desperation seeping in my voice , I was trying to avoid  sounding like that but get situations leads you to bend sometimes.

Since the day I had been told I can't keep my babies at their place I felt betrayed somehow. I know that it is not their fault and they have not betrayed me , at least thy had being considerate enough for Steven to take two days off. I was grateful for that but somehow I felt as an intruder , my thoughts were interrupted by a voice at the other end .

"That's great Niall. I am happy you took my suggestion. And don't worry about the boys Steven is at home as I said , we will have lots of fun. Just come by when you finish the meeting and dont be hard on them Ni .I know you "
She finished warning me and I can't help but crack a smile as both of know how protective I can be and also the fact that she knows me too well . "Thanks " feeling like weight was lifted from my shoulder. "Your welcome Niall"

I placed my phone down and began preparing food for all of us hopping that everything goes smoothly . I just hope whoever this person is should be kind enough for me to keep them immediately . Because believe it or not , he is desperate need for one. I finished plating eveything on the table with two warm milk bottles for the toddlers.

I went inside their room to wake them up. It was the hardest take , harder than to make them quiet when they cried. You have know if it is going to be a good day as in the babies will be happy an chirping in the morning or cranking and loud due to lack of sleep. I just prayed today be the day for the former one.

I sat myself beside Liam's crib brushing away the hair from his forehead smiling lovingly at him . I bend forward placing a kiss on his temple as he started to stir in his sleep "Wakey wakey baby ! Time to get up !"


In two hours all three of us Horan's were ready to go out . All of us had t-shirts and coats on paired with  jeans and boots on. I had their bags packed and loaded in the back of the car . Placing them in the carseat as they both talked to each others with broken English and some babbling they only understood I pulled the car from the parking .

It was at 10 :45 I managed to say goodbye to my babies as they were not ready to leave . After lot of crying and promising the two boys to let their daddy go in return I will take them to park , they settled. I promised them if they will be good I will take them . Guess , today was neither but overly clingy day for them .

I hurried towards my car and went to the café near the city were the meeting was to take place as discussed . I parked my car and got hurrying towards the door as I didn't want to be the tardy one . I looked around spotting a nice table and seeing one by the window  I happily walks their planting myself down .

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