T w e n t y - f i v e

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The drive to Niall's flat is in silence ,not that I wanted it to be anything else. I am too tired and hurt to even speak anything , I know Niall wants to know what exactly happened I can see it in his eyes , the way he is glancing at me after every five minutes anxiously . But I am in no position to tell , I don't want to burden him with my misery , its only mine to deal with. So I keep quite and just glance at the trees passing by as the car moves. The only concern I have right now is going back to my house , I don't want to . I look down as goosebumps appear on my hands at the mere thought of entering that place again.

I turn to look at Niall , I will forever be in depth of this man , he has not only giving me a job that I am sure I am not qualified enough for and now is giving me a shelter. I know the moment he was trying to get rid of me and I could say the curiosity behind those eyes when he waved at me at the door. I want nothing more than to stay at his place , as it is where I am most happy. But in order to do that I have to tell him my reason of not going to the flat , which I cant and wont .

I don't want that monstrosity to even touch this angelic family , I am living with him is already more than enough.

I watch at Niall's serious and solemn face as we drive to the house. I get out as fast as I can when we reach , I open the door and take one carseat holding Liam out with me and walk to the front door. I tap my foot lightly as I wait for Niall to come with Louis.

Upon entering Niall gestures me to pass him Liam and I do .He then goes upstairs leaving me alone in the big and empty living room. I make my way to the door in my clothes and stand their looking at it.

My hips and back is hurting as I massage it slowly trying to figure out how I am going to be comfortable on this sofa. I shake my head , it was not like I was getting a princess bed. Able to sleep on this sofa is generous enough , my thoughts wander to my bed at that house, the trims hanging that my mother got me when I was little and she caught on to the fact that I like frills more than I like basketball capes.

I am brought out of my thoughs by Niall , who is now standing near the stairs. He gestures for me to follow him as he says "C'mon up harry"

I follow behind him slowly, taking his bottom in , he is so squishy and If I was bold enough I would have squished that ass . But I am not so I just quietly follow behind him as he guides me through the passage. He opens the door towards his right and I can see his room just adjacent to the ones we enter.

He enters the room and shifts to the side gesturing for me to come "This will be your room from now. I have kept blankets and extra clothes for you to wear. Just change into them and sleep tight" I nod my head as my eyes travel through the room taking everything and land on the bed. The bed definitely looks comfortable and of course their are pajama's and shirt on the bed just like the one Niall is wearing.

He wishes me a quick good night after a long silence and goes to close the door stepping out. I turn around quickly as he is about to close the door completely and call his name "Niall ?" he stops and looks back opening the door a little , I smile at him atleast try to smile as my jaw hurts and say polietly "Thanks for letting me stay and don't worry to much , none of this is your fault . Good night"

He smiles slowly taking in my words and goes not before saying "See you tomorrow"

I nod to no one and take the clothes going into the attached bathroom for change. I knew I needed to say those words to Niall, I can sense the guilt he is in , it is in his eyes and I dont want them to be guilty. Sooner or later it was bound to happen , how many days would have I avoided my father , someday I was to face him and he would have beaten me then too. Only it happened not someday but today. 

I sigh placing the dirty clothes into the laundry , Niall was such a gentle man for letting me stay. I lay down on the bed pulling the sheet over me as I contemplate how to bring my clothes from the house if I have to stay here.

I make up my mind as I close my eyes , maybe it is better if I don't go their for sometime . 



here is the new chapter ! It is a short chapter , kind of a filler. Things to happen ahead , great things to come.

Thoughts on the chapter ?

Thoughts on Narry ?

They are just friends now and Niall is caring a little too much , what do you want to happen next ?

Vote . Comment . Share and Add to you rreading lists / library , it will make my day !!!!

Love Ri xxx

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