f o r t y - e i g h t

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A week later ~ on weekend ~

"Harry, you're still not ready yet?!" Zayn enters the room fixing his black blazer. He has just one black tank top inside. He fixes his hair as he walks around the couch infront of the brunette who is just laying on the couch, eyes far off outside the window.

He shakes his shoulder with a little force repeating his question, making the brunette finally come back from where he was lost in his thoughts.

" Ready for what?"Harry sits up a little, his eyes roaming Zayn's entire body from his tight black jeans to his hair, coming back to his face.

"We are going out tonight, remember we talked about it?" Zayn says smiling at him as he grabs his mobile and wallet from the side table pushing both of the items in his jeans pocket.

"Oh yeah.... I am really not in a mood Zaynie. I am sorry. You go, I will make dinner for you by the time you come home" Harry says not in a mood to be going anywhere. All he wants to do is sit in a corner and cry, but he knows Zayn will throw a fit if he finds him in tears again. And he really doesn't want to stress him out.

"No. I am not going alone. You are coming with me" the hazel eyed boy says not having any of Harry's excuse.

"I really don't wanna go Zaynie" Harry pouts, he doesn't want to go out. He doesn't have energy to go whereever Zayn wants to take him. All he wanted to do was think about Niall, miss Niall and cry over Niall.

The only think he was successful in doing after he came back to Zayn's from his mom.

"But Harry you can't sit mopping here all day. You need to live a little" Zayn, anyway tries to persuade him. He had enough of Harry mopping around. He just wants to make him have a break from all the pouting. He thinks a little guys night will be awesome for him.

"I am living Zaynie. Please, you and Perrie go enjoy some couple time" Harry argues trying to get Zayn to go without him. And he thinks he is successful as Zayn does anything that starts with Perrie. But today is just not his day as Zayn replies "She is not coming Harry. It's a boy's night and anyways, she is at Niall's-"

"Hun?" his ears perks up at the mention of Niall's name. And he flushes at the knowing look Zayn gives him and relaxes from the straightened posture he had at his name trying to look cool.

"Perrie is having dinner tonight with Niall. She wanted to have some brother - sister time" Zayn elaborates, making air quotes at the end and Harry couldn't help but let out a giggle. Perrie is such a great sister. Since, he has been gone she is going to Niall's regularly to help out with the kids in daytime as Niall has to work.

"Oh Okay"he says, trying to think of a way out of this but before he can he is pulled by his hand and pushed away from the couch towards the bedroom.

"Sooo you're coming. Now c'mon go in their fast and put on something nice"

"I really don't want-" he tries to resist the push, looking back at Zayn. He really doesn't want to go but the older lad just raises his eyebrow with a innocent face as he says, "I already promised Josh you will be there. Do you want to upset him hun Harry? He was so happy that and he has already reached"

He knows he is guilt tripping Harry, but he knows it is the only way to get Harry out of this house. He has been sulking way too much and it's not healthy. He reminds himself to call Josh as he knows the boy will be closing his shop anyways to come meet them at the club.

"Is that so? Umm... But no drinking okay? I hate the smell-" Harry protests but is cut off by zayn nodding, pushing him lightly forward as he says, smiling widely at Harry knowing the brunette's love for dance and music "Yes, promise no drinking, atleast for you. Only dancing. Their will be lots of music Harry, you love it don't you?"

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