T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Tonight is not my night.

I thought I was so slick in letting Niall make me stay at his house. To tell you the truth the time limit my father gave has expired and I know I am going to get a nice beating from him for the late money or no money for that matter. I am so scared that I have avoided facing him because frankly I don't want to. I thought I was being successful until tonight.

Not like my father actually sees the calendar as he expects money from me every other day but he knows when is month end working at a factory himself.I dreadily walk towards my house hoping and praying for him not to be home or maybe fucking someone , the thoughts makes me hurl but I will be glad if he does that tonight. I don't want to face him , I have experienced his warth , but he is nuts absolute nuts and this is money I am talking about.

I gulp as my house comes in the view , my feet halt as I see the lights on in the living room.

He is at home.

I shakily walk upto the door sweating bullets, I just hope he wont recognize me. My finger shakes as I press the button for the bell. I hear the bell echo throughout the house. I stand their for few minutes and the door doesn't open. This makes me feel weirdly scary and I rub my palms together. I wait for a few seconds and I am about to turn when I hear steps echoing near the door.

I take a step back as the door opens swiftly and my nightmare stands before me smiling

"Welcome home Son , I was waiting for you for days"





I can feel my blood , I can bloody feel my blood oozing out of my body. Yet , I lay powerless , my eyes dark by being punched up a dozen times. My voice is numb by me screaming on top of my lungs and I am surprised no one , none of my neighbours have heard me yet. A hand yank my hair up making a searing pain travel my spine , choking me .

"You ungrateful ass! Hiding away from me !"

"Where is my money !"

"Just like your fucking mother!"

"Slut ! Where is my money!"

And all I can reply is "stop , stop and I have no money" , I have lost my hearing his voice the only sound echoing in my ears. Everything is blurry as I turn around slightly only to be slapped back in the place my nose pressing to the floor.

"This is your place" I feel the familiar sting of the harsh belt , the only thing making me feel alive at the moment. I rub my eyes fast and hard as he rams into me .

I don't want this , I don't want this ......are the only words going through my head as I push myself up on my arms . I ignore the slap of the belt as I push him off me , making me cry out in pain. I see blood covering the floor as I go behind the table were he had pushed me before everything started.i grab my skirt and wear it quickly.

I see from one eye he is approaching me in his drunk stupor and I dash towards the door my heart beating wildly in my chest. His hands miss me only a couple inches as I slam the door on his face. I can hear him crying out names as I run the few steps down of the door way.

My whole body is paining as I stumble , blood still oozing out of my mouth and forehead . I glance down at my fingers and they are red. My chest burns with him placing his cigarettes on it and his foot. I don't know what time is it as I walk on the empty street at night.

I just have to sleep somewhere, I think.

I don't know how much time has passed but I find myself walking on the road I have never been to before.The whole road is dark , street light's the only thing providing some kind of light. There are trees on both of the sides of the door , which makes the whole road scary. I pull my skirt on my legs as I walk breathed bet , anything can happen.

I turn around placing my hand on my heart screaming loudly as a loud horn comes from behind. I am blinded by the bright light and quickly step away from the vehicle that is coming my way. I almost slip on the side road as it passes by ,scaring me to death. I forget about my pain as I try to pull my shoes now stick in the puddle. The dirty water sloshed till my knees. I look up as I hear the one more horn and I am about to jump for my dear life but to my surprise the car is coming back. As I watch the car take a reverse straight at me I contemplate either to run or hide.

My heart is beating fast when it stops right in front of me . I don't to be in another mess right now , I just want to be happy .I takes a step back and remove my leg from the puddle as the car window slides down. Before I make a run to it a voice halts me . I have never been so happy to hear that voice as I am today .  Tears fall from my eyes as I look back at the raven hair lad .

"Harry is that you , yeah ?" I nod my head unable to breathe as tears are flowing and my heart is hammering adrenaline coursing through it. He switches the light in the car as he says "Sorry I can't see your face and you not saying anything is making me ..." he stops saying as his eyes fall on me.

I try to cover my face but I know its futile he has already seen my face judging as I hear the door slam and two hands pulling mine away from my face.

"Jesus , who did this to you ?!" he asks examining my face . I just push myself into his arms tightly hugging him as I desperately need one right now. His body jolts with the force of mine making him stop in his cursing .

"Harry ?" he asks again and again trying to pull me away but I don't pull away. I just want to feel some comfort and although Zayn is not someone ideal for me , he is still my friend. He finally is able to pull me away and I look at my feet unable to meet his eyes because I look pathetic and feel so small with my bathered body.

"Get inside Harry" he opens the door for me motioning me inside after his tries fell of me opening my mouth. I hurriedly get inside , I feel if I don't accept he will leave me and as I look at the dark road ahead I know this is safe , this is the safest I can get. I watch him walk over to the driver's side and get in. He starts the car and we zoom in , I am about to ask him where he is taking me. I know he will not take me to my house , because he doesn't know my address he answers.

"I am taking you to my place. We will see what we can do about those bruises okay ?" his voice is tender and passive now , making me relax a little in the seat . I hear him sigh but don't say anything just nodding along. I look at him to see him nod at me and I know he got the message that I am not going to say anything.


He stops the car in front of a building . I jostle in my seat a little as it was so abrupt and I was on the verge of sleep . I cry out  a little as my side hurts because of the jerk. Zayn murmurs a sorry and stops the engine. We both seat there neither of us saying anything. I want to go out of the car and seat on a nice sofa because my body is burning . But he has not opened the door. I am about to question but stop as he starts speaking.

"I am going to call Niall ." its not a question but a statement. In short time he came to know how I am . Before I can argue he walks out of the car and waits. I quickly get in sighing and watch waiting for him as he locks the car.

I then follow him slowly inside the building . 



While posting this one I just got an idea for a new story! I have not decided if I am going to write it or not.

I feel my english is shitty in this one :( But I hope I am able to explain the situations and all the emotions .

I promise next chapter will be better than this one ! I think this was a little hurried .

Thoughts on Harry ?

Thoughts on Zayn?

Thoughts on the chapter ?


Love ya people muaahhhhhh xxxx 

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