F i v e

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"You came up with this " I said motioning the card at her .

"Yes , now before you object with how dangerous or bad idea this is . Steven checked , they are the best in town and they have branches all over the state .You can check their website , here" she said pointing to the small printed website at the bottom of the card.

"Also , they have background check of all nannies working for them. And you Ni will be given options or the available person they have at the moment once you register. And here is the best part !" She clapped her hands giddily and I wanted to know what best can possibly come from this fraud thing.

"You get to interview the person appointed to you and if you don't like him/her , you can reject them . Also , you can cancel their contract any time you deemed them to be unfit and they will appoint you their next suitable one"

I was going to object and say flat out no but before I can , lex pushed me out of the door .

"Think about it Niall . Give them a chance and you know that I will never choose something wrong for you , at least not intentionally. Take your time , Steven is taking two days leave so you can drop lilo off for these days."

I smilled at her and agreed to think about this whole thing . I was still amused at the name Lex had given my kids , but it was brilliant . I can say that .

As I drive to the office , I started thinking about all the possiblities .

<Same Day >


I call my girl 'cause I got a problem

Only a curl is gonna solve it

Then I don't really care ,

Just get him out of my hair , yeah .

Switching my TV , the first thing that came up was this song. I started bobbing my head to it as I raised the volume placing the remote control on the couch.

Today I had shift in the evening so I decided to be ahead and get the dinner ready. I had no idea when my shift will end and to be beaten by my father is not what I want to face after coming home from a tiring day.

My father works in a factory all day and sometimes at night. So , I am alone for most of the daay . He usually comes by 6 or 8 in the evening .

Now , it is 3 in the afternoon and I decided to get the food done and place it in the fridge and then in the oiven before I leave. The asshole is always hungry and will beat the shit out of me if he doesn't see his food.

I go back to the kitchen sashaying as I get into the song .

Cause he was just a d*ick and I knew it

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