Why I hate Dean

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I walked into the building I called school and walked straight up to my locker where some of the football team was waiting for me at.
"Hey guys." I smiled.
"Hey Castiel." Charlie smiled, yeah we let a girl on the team. She's an outstanding player, better than half the boys might I add.
"What's up?" I asked getting my books.
"We were wondering if you were going to the party this Saturday?" She said and I closed my locker.
"Uh possibly I haven't got an official ok from my mom." I smiled leaning against my locker.
"Ok, so there's a possibility?'
"Yeah there always is with my mom, she'll probably say yes." I said and she just nodded before walking off with the rest off them.

They all had a crush on her so they followed her like she was their leader. Don't get me wrong Charlie is a beautiful little redheaded girl whom I love more than anything, she's my best friend but she's not my type. Like so far not my type she's the wrong gender. Anyways I walked into biology, first class of the day only to see my lab partner Dean.

Now Dean and I didn't get along, mainly cause he thinks I'm trying to steal his identity or something like that but I'm not. Now I know who he is but he has no idea who I am. He secretly dated my brother Lucifer and really broke his heart when he moved away. Yeah Luci was older but he still acted like a little girl with a crush. And now that Dean is back, why not make his life a living hell.

So here I am sitting next to my lab partner, my pupil, my teammate, and my arch enemy. I smiled at him and he groaned.
"Fuck off Castiel." He said and I faked a gasp.
"Well Winchester you're awfully rude."
"Well Novak you're trying to become me so I can do what I want." He growled.
"I am not Winchester I'm just better than you at everything." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.
"You really think so huh?"
"I know so Winchester."
"Ok fine then, since you're better than me what do you need to make our volcano explode?" He smirked and crossed his arms.

Dammit he knew I wasn't good at this kind of stuff.
"You uh..need..um.."
"See you're no better than me at everything Novak." He laughed before tuning me out and working on our volcano.

I fucking hate him.

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