Wanna go on a date?

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Yesterday had been a super eventful day. Dean and I told our parents not only that we were together, but also not straight. And it honestly felt amazing. What felt even better if the fact Dean was over my house, in my room, in my bed and we were cuddled up watching Grease. He was humming along to the songs and I could feel the vibrations as I laid on his chest.
"Hey Cas." He said looking down at me.
"Wanna go on a date?" He said and I looked up at him in confusion.
"A date? Like a date date?"
"I mean yeah, so we can really get tho know each other." He said smiling.
"Sure." I smiled back.
"Okay, tomorrow night be ready at 7 and I'll come get you"
"Sounds like a deal." I said and he kissed my forehead.

This boy has really got me fucked all the way up. Literally. How is it last month I hated him now I'm always with him. Crazy how that happened.  Now here I am watching Grease with the guy. My mom knows I'm gay and is trying to accept it. Lucifer is probably trying to come up with some evil scheme. Michael is just...well Michael and Gabriel is always with Sam. Things are good, life is good. Life is looking pretty good.
Now only if we were dating.

Also I started my Junior year last month and I already wanna hang myself like omg I hate it. I wanna kms but hey on the bright side I'm not an under classman anymore!!! Wwhoooaaaaaa I'm happy bout that.
But yeah I was serious when I said

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