You're late Novak

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Time for football practice. Now one thing Castiel had not taken from me was captain and if he ever does we're gonna have some fucking issues.
"Ok team so we're gonna run a normal practice. Dean you know what to do" coach said before leaving us.
"Ok so what do we need to work on?"
"Passes." Derek said and I nodded.
"Kicking." Jim said
"I definitely need to work on that" I told them and they all nodded and I was offended but pleased cause they were being honest.
"Ok so were gonna take a warm up lap, do some stretching, then get this show on the road yeah?" I yelled and they groaned.
"Oh come on we do this every other day." I said throwing my hands in the air and I saw Castiel walking up to us.
"Oh Castiel decided to show up yeah?"
"I had to, its practice." He said.
"I don't tolerate tardiness Novak and neither does Coach Bobby."
"Listen here Winchester, the only reason why you're captain and not me is because your uncle is our coach. Of he wasn't we all know who would be." He spat.
"Listen Novak, that doesn't matter being captain is about being a leader. And frankly your not fit for it. Of choose any other these boys to be captain over you." I spat back.
"Just for that run a mile Novak." I told him and he rolled his eyes.
"The rest of you, let's run our lap." I said.
"If I pass you that's another one!" I yelled running behind them.

God I hate Castiel.

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