Authors Note

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I just wanted to thank every single person who read this book. I hope you genuinely enjoyed it & sorry that last chapter took ssoooo long to produce. The last chapter was sooo hard to write. I had to reread my book, take my characters back and figure out how bad I wanted Lucifer to go. Then I had to make a reference to him being thrown out and abandoned to the Bible. I rewatched episodes of Supernatural for the next book so I could re-get a feel of the characters in the show to put into the adults in the next book.

Which brings me to YES there's a second book, even though no one asked. I'm very excited to keep writing it cause I've already started. The second one will be a lot more organized and practical than this book. It's more realistic and has references to the show and shit like that. Soooooooooo it should be exciting.

Anyways I won't keep y'all here long, so once again, I hope you enjoyed the book.
I can't wait for the new one to come out, keep a look out on March 13th. I'll drop a lil of the first chapter of the book here for y'all just so you guys know it's up.

Have a great day, night, week, month and year okay. I love y'all.
Also, tell me what you all would like to see in the next book & I'll try to incorporate it in.

Your author,
Ahloria :)

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