Castiel what the fuck?

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I woke up with Castiel no where in site. I got up and decided to go downstairs where I found him sitting on the couch staring at a family portrait.
"Castiel?" Ignores me.
"Castiel?" I said a bit louder and he looked at me before picking up the picture.
"Where is your dad? Really?"
"None of your business."
"Dean just tell me."
"No its none of your business."
"But?" He said before setting it back and walking away leaving me to grab his arm to stop him.
"Castiel what the fuck?" I said.
"Im sorry, you're right its none of my business. I'll just go." He said going back upstairs with me following him.
"Castiel." I said and he turned around putting his bag on his back.
"Have Gabriel call me when he's ready to come home." He pushed by me and I grabbed his arm again.
"Castiel!" I said again before pushing him against my wall.
"What was that back there?"
"Nothing Dean."
"Nothing my ass"
"Just forget about it. Im going home" he said and I didn't let him go.
"Dean let me-" I shut him up with a kiss.
"Castiel I fucking hate your guts but you're gonna tell me what happened back there."
"Dean I fucking hate your guts too, so I'm not saying anything. Don't get all gushy with me, I'm not your boyfriend and I never will be you faggot" he said and I let him go before punching him in the jaw which made him punch me back several times.
"Tell a single soul I'm gay and you will wish you were never born. Got it Winchester." He said standing in the doorway.
"Whatever Novak" I said before he left.

I heard the door slam shortly after and I laid down on my bed. Fuck that dude.

I really fucking hate Castiel Novak

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