We had a hot and steamy car make out sesh

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Holy shit what did I just do?
I couldn't stop thinking about it, I thought about it during dinner with my mom and Sam, I thought about while I took my shower, I thought about it when I was brushing my teeth, I thought about before I went to bed, I dreamt about it and now it's the next day and I'm still thinking about it. Fuck, I also thought to myself as I walked downstairs to make a bowl of cereal and to my surprise Sam had just finished pouring milk into a bowl.
"Here you go."
"What did you do to it?"
"Nothing, it's to keep your mouth shut."
"You really think I'm gonna tell people you and Gabriel did whatever you two did, speaking of which what did you two do?" I asked taking a spoonful of my cereal.
"None of your business."
"Tell me or I'll out you." I said raising an eyebrow and he groaned.
"Fine, we just kinda...gave each other bj's."
"Like in the porno's or in your own way."
"What's the difference?" he asked sitting down with his bowl of cereal taking a bite.
"I'll tell you when you're not eating." I said taking another bite.
We kind of just ate in silence after that, I guess neither of us had anything to say so when I finished I put my bowl in the sink. And that's when my morning got worse. The doorbell rang and it was none other than the Novaks when I opened it.

"Where's Sam?" 
"Kitchen kid" I said and he walked in.
"Did you two walk or ride?"
"I guess considering you didn't just hop of my dick."
"Dean, shut the fuck up please." he said rolling his eyes and walking over to the couch.
"I wouldn't sit."
"Sam said him and Gabriel have to be at school early for some touch up on their project, aka fuck in the boys bathroom." I whispered to him and he giggled.
"You're probably right." he said.
"You two read-" I stopped my sentence cause when I turned around I saw those two boys making out, full force.
"Stop sucking each others faces and lets go!" I yelled and scared Gabriel cause he backed out of that kiss and grabbed his bag so quickly it looked like he might've fallen. And Sam just looked at me.
"Get up or you're getting left behind." I told him and he got up getting his backpack.
"Why are you so mean?"
"I am not." I defended myself.
"Yes, you really are."
"Shut up and get outside or you're getting left behind too Castiel."
"You know you can call me Cas right."
"Yeah, I think that's what I want people to call me now. Its short and simple."
"Okay..Cas." I said and he smiled walking outside to the car.

Once we were all in and buckled up I began the trip to school. Where Sabriel made out a majority of the time. And I would swerve to try and break them apart. We then arrived at school and they hopped out the car and into the school they went. Cas and I stayed in the car since it was still kinda early and we usually go into the school pretty late.
"Dean?" He said and I looked at him.
"What happened between Sam and Gabe, he won't tell me and you and Sam are super close."
"They gave each other blowjobs basically." I told him and he just nodded. I looked back to my left not wanting to look at him.
"Yeah." I said not facing him.
"Are we friends?"
"I don't think so, if anything we're acquaintances."
"Okay." He said and I could tell he sunk in the seat a little so I turned around and looked at him fumbling with his fingers.
"Cas?" I said and he looked up tilting his head slightly.
Fuck it, o went in for a kiss and didn't even care. I pulled away and reached in the back for our bags handing him his. Then I got out of the car in a hurry.

"Dean what the hell was that." He said as I leaned on the truck of my impala.
"Nothing, I just. I don't know." I admitted.
"Do you like me?"
"Fuck no, just be lucky I don't hate you."
"Well then why'd you-"
"I don't know Castiel! I just don't know, I'm a strange person and I couldn't get the kiss from yesterday out of my head so I thought if I kissed you again I'd-"
"Stop thinking about it, I understood the one from yesterday Dean, heat of the moment."
"Are you quoting Asia or being serious.?"
"I'm being serious Dean. You are pretty strange but I didn't expect kisses out of the blue to be what you do."
"Yeah, it'll never happen again." I said throwing my hands up.
"Sure it won't." He winked at me as he bagn to walk towards the school.
"What are you implying Novak?" I followed him up to the doors.
"Oh nothing Dean, see you Chem." He said but I continued to follow him to his locker where Charlie was waiting his arrival.
"Castiel, you're going to tell me what you meant" I said putting my hand over his locker so he couldn't open it.
"Dean just go, its nothing. No need to make a scene." He retorted and it made my blood boil. Did I mention I have a short temper? Anyways I just scowled at him and whispered in his ear. "You're going to tell me big boy" before pulling away and staring at him.
Charlie cleared her throat and I turned to look at her.
"Can't you see I'm having a conversation here."
"Yeah but it seems to be over so if you could excuse me I'd like to talk to Castiel."
"Its Cas now." I corrected her.
"And how would you know?"
"He comes over with his brother all the time.  His brother and my brother are like besties, haven't I already explained this?"
"I don't know, and I don't care Dean I don't listen to half of the things you say. Shouldn't you be fucking some whore who wants your cock?"
"You're right I should be, let me get right on that."
"Bye Cas" I said and he just shook his head.

Charlie Charlie Charlie, I hope you know I can ruin your life.

Hope you enjoyed that, I'm currently half asleep right now so, that's fun. Anyways. Bye.

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