This Makes Me Wish I Had A Daughter

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I got home and saw my mom on the couch with Michael. Michael recently dropped out, he wasn't doing well in school and didn't want to continue doing bad.
"Hey Castiel." She said making me stop walking.
"Hey mom." I smiled at her.
"How was school? Are you and Dean okay? You should bring him over some time. Oh did you know-"
"Mother you're rambling. School was fine, practice not so much. Dean and I are great, he actually asked me to homecoming this Saturday."
"Oh really!" She said getting up and clapping. "This makes me wish I had a daughter so we could go dress shopping, but I guess not. We can go tux shopping instead." She stopped in front of me, her hands in a praying position over her mouth.
"Of course mom. I'd love to." I eased her anxiety and she smiled before hugging me.
"Oh yay! This will be fun."
"But just don't make it a big deal, or I'll do myself and online." I said pointing at her and she fake gasped.
"You wouldn't dare." I put my finger down as she stepped closer to me and crossed her arms.
"Try me mother." I simply said before turning around to go upstairs.
I had a slight smile on her face when I heard her go "ugh" then giggle quietly.

I'd made it to my room letting my backpack fall out my hand and onto my floor. I fell down onto my bed and just laid there. I thought about what homecoming would look like for Dean and I, who'd win king and queen and how much people would stare at us. But then again I was with him, I shouldn't care...right?

I guess we'll find out....

CAN I GET AN APPLAUSE FOR THIS CHAPTER BEING PUBLISHED A FEW WEEKS AFTER THE LAST REAL CHAPTER AND NOT 2 MONTHS!!IM PROUD OF MYSELF!!....even tho this was a filler. I'm not gonna write about the shopping bc I don't wanna & no one fucking cares. So next chapter will be about football practice. Also PLEASE GIVE ME CHAPTER IDEAS IM DYING!!

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