A Frisky Dinner

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I got downstairs and sat at the dinner table before Dean came down and sat next to me.
"Let's all hold hands and pray." My mother said and we all took each others hand.
"I'd like to thank the Lord for giving us this lovely meal. I pray that he keeps us safe. I pray that the Winchesters are safe as well as my family. May this food be nourishment to our minds, body and soul. Bless the Lord. Amen" (I'm so far from religious I had to make it up, then think about what my grandma says.)

"Amen." We all said in unison.
We all filled out plates with what we wanted. Mrs.Winchester had cook pot roast with mash potatoes & gravy. She also cooked some rolls and we had a salad.
"Your moms a good cook." I told Dean.
"Yeah I know. You should try her chocolate chip pancakes." He smiled at me.
"What are you to whispering about?" Deans mom asked.
"Castiel was saying how good if a cook you are, and I told him he hasn't seen nothing until he gets you chocolate chip pancakes." Dean smiled at him mom.
"Awe well thank you Castiel, and the boys love those pancakes." She said.
"Because they're like the best pancake's in the world mom!" Sam shouted throwing his hands in the air for emphasis.
"Lower your voice Sam." Mrs.Winchester said and Sam apologized.
"Hey mom" Gabriel and I said at the same time and Michael just shook his head.
I bad forgotten he was here, he's so quiet.
"Gabriel go first." Mom said.
"Can I spend the night with Samsquach over here?"
"Hey I said don't call me that." Sam laughed.
"Well you're freakishly tall."
"No you're just short" sam retorted.
"Anyways, mom can I?"
"Hold on, Castiel what were you gonna say?"
"I was going to ask the same thing." I said shaking my head and Michael just looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Ok both of you can stay. Castiel your driving back."
"Wait, does that meam I can take the-" I began but she interrupted me.
"Mess that car up and you will suffer the consequences Castiel."
"Yes ma'am I hear you loud and clear." I said before everyone went back to eating.

It kinda just turned into casual conversation, even Michael was talking with the adults and Gabriel was being weird with Sam and I was trying to ignore Dean as he kept saying my name.
"Castiel. Castiel. Castiieeelll" he sang out the last one but I don't budge.
"Castiel."he said again his hand on my thigh.
"Castiel" he said again his hand tracing down my thigh.
"Castiel don't ignore me." He said his hand on the insides of my thigh.
"Come in Castiel at leat ackny presence." He said hand moving upwards.
"Cassie" he giggled and grabbed where the sun don't shine.
"Cassie please talk to me." He whispered in my ear and let go moving his hand to the let side of my jeans, where I had my manhood chilling at.
"Castiel dont make me." He said and I looked at him.
"What do you want?"
"At first I just wanted to say hi, but now I think we should go upstairs and take care of your, big problem." He said and I let out a quite groan before getting up with my plate.
"Mama Castiel and I are going upstairs." Dean said and no one paid any attention not even Michael. But Sam and Gabriel sure did.
"Don't fuck while your up there."
"We werent planning on it Sammy" Dean retorted and we headed upstairs.

Oh boy.

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