Angry Make Out Session

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I never once knew Lucifer and Castiel were related, mostly cause I never met his family, nor cared to remember his last name and when I moved it hurt cause I didn't want to leave Lucifer like that but I knew it was the easiest way.
"Look Castiel I'm sorry for what I did to him, I just. I couldn't say goodbye."
"Why Dean? He hurt for such a long time. My mother didn't like the fact he was secretly dating a younger guy but she still kept in our house to make sure he was in the right of mind. And when you moved back be had to move away."
"Cause he couldn't bare to see me. I understand I hurt him and your family but Castiel you have to understand I never ment to."
"Dean you don't mean to do a lot of things but you do them anyways." He whisper yelled again.
"Same for you Castiel." I whisper yelled back at him
"Fuck you!" He said and I just smirked.
"I'd love to." I said before pinning him back on the wall and attacking his neck with little kisses.
"D-dean" he stuttered.
"Castiel." I said before attacking his lips hungrily.

He moved his lips with mine and we synced with each others motion. My hands we placed on his hips while his on my face and I let all my anger out in the very intense kiss. Then he bit my lip and pulled back growling as he did so before letting go then pulling me back in for a kiss. His hands traveled down my chest and stomachs before going back up and he rested his hands on my chest.
"Dean mom said-oh." I hears Sam and I pulled away from Castiel.
"Mom said?"
"For you two to quit your chitchat and get downstairs, but you two weren't chitchatting." Sam smiled.
"Ok Sammy, this is why no one likes you."
"Gabriel does" he protested before closing my door.
"The little shit got me there." I laughed and looked back at Castiel.
"Ask to stay the night." I told him and he looked confused
"And why would I want to do that?"
"So we can finish this, my moms always downstairs and Sammy's room is way down the opposite hall."
"As much as I'd like to take that offer I said to stick with the whole I hate you thing." He said and I kissed him one last time before pulling him off the walk and smacking his ass.
"Your loss Castiel" I said putting on my button up and he walked over to me buttoning the buttons.
"Fine I'll stay, but if I do its strictly sex only."
"Of course, I hate you to much for anything else."
"Ok Winchester." He said giving me a kiss before leaving.
I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair before going downstairs.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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