I know, we've been over this several times before.

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Castiel and I ended up falling asleep with him laying on me. I'm not sure how but we managed and I was awoken by my mother tapping my forehead.
"Dean. Wake up." she said and I slowly opened my eyes about to stretch when I came to realization that I shouldn't move.
"What's up mom?" I said in a groggy voice.
"What's going on here? Are you two together?" fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"No mom we're not. He was being annoying and laid on me and I was to tired to fight back so I let him and we fell asleep watching tv." I said, it was true. No lies were told.
"Okay, you know if  you're gay or anything you can tell me Dean." she said kissing my forehead.
"I know mom." No I didn't but I feel pretty good knowing that now.

I can understand why my mom thought we were together though. My arms was wrapped around his waist so he would fall will be my excuse. So I removed them in remorse and a bit of disgust. Me and Castiel together? Ew, no, he's not my type, honestly guys. So I just tapped on his sides and he giggled moving his head so it was tilted as if he was looking at me. So I poked him again and this time he giggled some more and his eyes fluttered open revealiving his pretty blue eyes. Woah, did I just? Blue eyes are rare and pretty in general is my excuse.
"Hiya Deano." He said in a groggy voice that was oh so hot.
What I can't help that I'm sexually attracted to him. If you were in my position you'd be to.
"Can you get off me?" I said and he blushed.
"Sorry about that. Ugh Gabe and I should leave." He said quickly getting up and heading upstairs and I hurriedly followed.
I grabbed his arm before he could turn right to go to Sam's room.
"Where you going in such a rush?"
"Dean I am not in the mood to-"
"Let me take care of you then." I said before taking a for grasp on his hand and leading him to the bathroom just in case my mom decided to come upstairs.
I closed and locked the door behind me before giving him a smirk.
"Dean I need to go."
"You're just embarrassed, while I'm slightly turned on by your sleepy voice."
"Of course you are." He said face palming.
"Plus it really isn't good to drive when your tired Castiel, thought I'd wake you up a little."
"By doing what?" He crossed his arms.
"Oh I don't know, sucking your dick sounds like it will suffice so let's give it a try." I said before pushing him back against the wall.
"Dean, you sure are eager."
"Just for you" I said pulling his pants and boxers down.

I decided that I wasn't gonna go straight for the dick cause that's coming off way to strong so I stood up straight (straighter than I'll ever be) and kissed his jaw then down to his neck.
"Dean I swear if you leave a mark."
"You'll what? Fuck me into oblivion?" I said against his neck determined to leave a mark.
"Sure why not" he chuckled.
"Hmm, is it a threat or promise?" I asked looking him in the eyes.
"Oh its a promise Dean "
"Then you better keep it" I said before kissing him them biting on his colorbone.
"Dean I hate you" he said as I sucked on his skin definitely leaving a mark.
"I know we've been over this several times before." I smirked before taking my hand and gripping his dick firmly in my hand.
"Dammit Dean." He let out before biting his lip.
"What was that?"
"Fuck you" he breathed out as I began to move my hand and kissing on his neck.
This consisted of a lot of hand movements, me kissing and biting his neck and Castiel releasing little but frequent moans, that I really enjoyed hearing. Before I decided to do what j dragged him in here for. I kissed down his body, then on his inner thighs while still giving him a handjob. I stopped my movements and looked up at him as I kissed up his throbbing cock to the tip where he was leaking precum and I licked it off which caused him to bite his lip as he kept his eyes on me. Then in licked down his shaft and back up, even sucked on his balls cause why not. I kitten licked the tip again before going down on him causing him to let of a string of moans and profanity. Its truly pleasing to my ears. I hollowed out my cheeks every time I went up and let out moans and groans as I went down, knowing the vibrations felt amazing. And he gripped my hair and pulled hard on it making me go up and with a 'pop' sound he was out of my mouth. So I stood back up and wrapped my hand right back around him, still looking him in the eyes and moved my hand. He bit his lip even harder and I squeezed his cock to make him let out a moan, so he wouldn't make his lip bleed. I smirked and let out a little chuckle as I began to move my hand faster which made Castiel throw his head back against the wall and moan.
"Fuck Dean" he said breathlessly and I knew I was doing good.
I took advantage of his state and went back to attacking his neck with hickies, and he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me a bit closer to him as he came in my hand with a pretty throaty moan.

Blowie in the bathroom. Fun.

Guys should I go into more detail with my smut, cause like I can but then I would feel like that's way to intense like dicks are strange enough then me going into detail with 2 dicks is just a lot for a person, but its up to you guys.

5 likes for the next chapter.
Tbh I'll post it even if you don't like this but hopefully you will.
Bbyyyeeee guys.

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