Gay Games And Dances Pt.1

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Today was games day and I couldn't be more excited. Mainly because it's homecoming game and we're most likely gonna win, but also because tomorrow I'm going to homecoming with Dean. Now we haven't made anything official but we pretty much are official. Just you like without titles. I dunno how to explain it but I know I'm his one and only so it's okay. The day went by slow, probably cause my anxiety was through the roof just waiting on this game. Then school was over, and it was time to get ready.
Now usually on game days the students hype us up throughout the day and a few show at the game, but this being a hoco game makes things different. Not only do students hype us up throughout the day but almost the whole school including teachers show up to the game to watch us beat our rival school Southakes High. But we like to call them SouthLames High. I don't know who came up with that but it's almost as lame as the school.

Anyways I was already wearing my jersey and the team was in the library eating our homecoming game feast. Basically everyone brings something and then we eat, hype ourselves up however you do and boom it's game time. Coach doesn't like to over work us before the game so it's almost like our day to relax. I walked in and waved at the guys before being engulfed in a hug by a human who smelled really good. I looked at the face to see that it was Dean and he was smiling like an idiot.
"What?" He asked.
"You're being affectionate."
"Okay and?" he kissed me.
"In front of the team, really?" I said and he instantly let go.
"Well they know I like dick, but they don't know about you huh. And you don't want them too. I'm pretty sure so many people know we're together I don't get why it's a big deal." He said sounding hurt.
"Baby it's not." I grabbed his hands "I just wasn't aware that you were so chill with it."
"Of course I am, I'm not ashamed of who I am. Plus I like showing off what I win." He smiled at me before picking me up bridal style over to where the food was.
"Dean Winchester if you don't out me down I'll kick your ass." I said kicking my legs.
"I'd love to see you try sweet cheeks." He said and they team kinda looked at us.
I was a little embarrassed at his words and actions but I don't like I was afraid to let everyone know we were a thing, or that I was into guys.

Dean took my hand and guided me to the food and plates; we piled our plates up with random foods people brought and sat down with Charlie, Chris and Derek.
"What was that about?" She bluntly asked.
"What?" Dean said.
"The bridal style thing, the 'sweet cakes' thing." Was she jealous?
"Oh you heard that?"
"It was me showing my boyfriend affection. Got an issue?" Dean bluntly said before taking a bite out of some sandwich.
"Castiel! I told you not to. Dean I said stay away from him!"
"It's not my fault. I can't control my emotions Charlie."
"I'd like an input on this. Chat,ie I get you're watching out for me, but Deans a good guy okay." I simply said and her eye twitched and her mouth formed into a smile.
"Okay." She said.
"Y'all are bold, especially you Dean." Derek said.
"Thanks dude, just living life."
Then we ate in silence.

Dean and I went over to the comfy bean bag chairs and just sat there talking about nothing yet everything at the same time. I loved our talks because he was so easy to talk to. Then coach spoke up,
"It's game time kiddos."


*time skip bc I'm lazy but ily*

It was the that 22seconds on the clock, last quarter of the game and we were winning by 17 points. We had to stunt on them, it was a given. We decided to do our last play. And before I knew it I was running, Charlie parallel of me, Dean with the ball somewhere. I looked around them I spotted him, he looked at me then her and I was closer to make a touchdown. I blinked and there the ball was, coming at me, I opened my arms, caught it, then took off running. I don't know what the other team was doing but it was almost like no one was chasing me and before I knew it once again I scored us another touchdown. Then the timer buzzed signaling the end of the game and we'd one. I could hear the band playing our fight song and the team running towards me jumping up and down. I took my helmet off along with other players and out of nowhere Dean came up and kissed me.
"I'm fucking proud of you!" He yelled and I smiled then I got tapped on the shoulder.
"Huh" I said and it was Chris.
"Look" He said and I looked over at the home side of the stadium only to see more than one huge pictures of Dean and I kissing from I guess earlier.
I felt my cheeks redden but then I walked through the crowd and closer to the bleachers. I did something I never thought I'd ever do...I waved at them. People were screaming, some booing, most in support.
"We'll be seeing y'all at homecoming tomorrow." Dean yelled out of no where and the crowd got even louder and with that he turned my head and he kissed me.

Well that was an interesting homecoming game.

I'd woken up the next day with Dean in my bed. It's homecoming day. I looked over st my clock and saw that the time read 4:47pm. Holy fuck (sorry Jesus) the dance was in less than 3 hours, why did no one wake us up. I got out of bed and went to Gabriel's room, but knocked and heard a faint come in.
He was faced away from me at his desk.
"Why didn't you wake us up?"
"Oohh yeah homecoming is today." He sounded weird.
"Yeah in like 2 hours, where's mom?"
"Good question, she left at noon and hasn't been back since." He sounded off.
"I swear to fucking god (sorry Jesus) if Sam is under that desk sucking you off I'll never let you live this down." I said and he just chuckled.
"Well then I guess that's you're cue to leave." I all he said and I did as told closing his door.

I went back to my room and saw that Dean was waking up.
"Your brother is giving my brother a blow job. And I walked in on it."
"Sounds like something we should be doing." He said rolling over on his but and closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
So I let him I took this time to shower, and when I came out he was still sleeping so I took into to consideration what he'd said earlier. I got on the bed and straddled his legs and began to palm him through his boxers and the thin blanked that was placed over him. He stirred in his sleep a bit but didn't wake, who knows what he was dreaming about. I could feel him getting hard so moved the blanket and stuck my hand in his boxers and rubbed him. He moved and I backed away from him, his green eyes opened up he smiled.
"What are you doing?" He asked groggily.
"Just waking you up is all." I smirked at him and he raised himself into his elbows.
"Well by all means don't stop."
So I went down on him, taking as much of him in my mouth as I could. I smirked my tongue around him earning light moans from Dean. I pumped what I couldn't put in my mouth and looked up at him through my lashes and saw the most beautiful sight.
He had messy hair, his head was tilted back, his eyes were closed and he was biting his lip to stay quiet.
I watched him as he mustered the strength to open them, and he looked at me then fell back onto his back letting out a louder moan than before.
I swirled my tongue on the tip of his dick a few times before going back down to my previous actions earning satisfactory moans from Dean.
His moans became more frequent, and louder so I knew he was getting closer and closer to cumming. I was down for it. I could feel his dick twitch slightly in my mouth, then he sat back up.
"You probably know, but I'm gonna cum." He whispered almost inaudibly.
I backed my face away but kept pumping him to get him over the edge, then he came. I swallowed. Things were good. He was good 😉 if ya know what I mean.
I looked at my clock and it read 5:39 oh fuck.
"Dean you gotta get ready."
"It's only..." he trailed off to look at my clock before realizing how late it was.
"You're right I do need to get ready." He said and practically jumped out of my bed.
He grabbed his clothes and put them on, his tux and stuff were at his house (we weren't expecting to sleep in so late)
"After you get ready are we meeting here or at your place?"
"Mine, it's less hectic and my mom was hella pictures." He said laughing at the end and his use of 'hella'
"Okay, drive safe, text me when you get home." I say as he's about to leave.
"Okay mom." He laughed before grabbing my waist and pulling me in.
"I'm serious Dean."
"I know babe." He smiled before kissing me.
I pulled back and motioned for him to leave and he just shook his head slightly.
"Sammy you better be ready to go home because I know you're here." He said.
"They're probably up to no good."
"Definitely up to no good."
"Dean you're yelling at me but you haven't stopped sucking your boyfriends face." Sam said as he went down the stairs.
"I'm gonna kill him."
"Awe, I won't wait for you to get out of prison."
"Ah geez thanks." He said and I just smiled.
He hit my ass on his way out my room.
"Remember what I said to do!" I yelled.
"Okay, love you bye!" He yelled back and I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs, then the sound of the door closing.

I stood in silence, this boy had just told me he loved me.

Anyways, this story will be updated more frequently now that schools out, but still not as frequently as you guys would hope because I am doing a lot this summer.
And when we go back to school in August I'll be a senior! How fun!! (Nnooo)
What grade will you guys be going into this upcoming school year? Lmk.
Anywhore, I love you guys, see ya in pt.2

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