Just Looking At The Love Of My Life

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It had been almost 5 months  since homecoming , the year was almost over. For us seniors we had 2 days left at school. Deans mom was hosting a graduation themed dinner at their place in like 10 minutes & I was nervous. I'd told my mom Dean and I were together and she was happy for me.
Sam andGabriel we're still sneaking around, but recently but as much, almost like they weren't into it anymore.
I'd headed downstairs where my mom was waiting on Gabriel and I.
Michael was already downstairs. And as for Lucifer...well he'd vanished. I wasn't to worried about him though.
My mom just smiled at me and fixed my tie.
"I can't believe my baby is graduating in less than a week!" She said excitedly.
"Unlike Michael." I laughed and he got up to hit me.
"Hey, it's fine. I'm homeschooling him, he'll still get a diploma Castiel."
"Okay mom." I said and down came Gabriel.
"All my boys look so handsome!" My mom said excitedly.
She was a very upbeat lady, it was a little scary. Anyways, we were about to walk out of the door when it opened.
"I heard something about my son graduating, a dinner tonight & him having a boyfriend." My dad said as he walked in.
"Dad!" I smiled and he hugged me.
"Hey graduate! How's it been?"
"It's been good. How was business stuff."
"Boring as usual." He laughed.
"Okay, well Ben it's nice to have you home sweety, but we have a dinner to attend."
"Oh, okay everyone in my Rover!" He yelled and we all got in the car.

We arrived at Deans House and Mary let us in. There were some greetings and I went straight up to Deans room.
I remember the last time we came over for dinner and what happened. And now we're dating 6 months strong. Crazy. How life works. And we still have prom to attend after graduation. I walked into Deans room and he was shirtless holding 2 different shirts up to him. Black or blue?
"Black, I don't want you to mess your shirt up." I said and he jumped as I walked all the way in.
"You just said that cause you don't want us to match."
"You're not wrong babe." I smiled at him and sat in his bed.
He slipped on the shirt and turned around to stand in between my legs.
"You're a hottie with a nice fucking body." I smiled up at him and he put his hands on my shoulders.
"Well you have a pretty smashable face." I said and leaned down to kiss me.
The kiss deepened and he laid me down in the bed and straddled me. My hands found their way to his waist only to have Dean take them off of him and pin them to the bed.  He broke the kiss and sat straight up. I just looked at him before beginning to button up his shirt.
"You have to be fully clothed for dinner Dean." I smiled and he groaned.
"I can't wait to be fully unclothed, with you, later, in this bed." He said getting up.
"Wouldn't wanna have it any other way." I said and I got up too.

We went downstairs and heard lots of voices. Dean turned the corner and there he was, John Winchester, kinda a dead beat dad.
"John." Dean said coldly and Sams smile faded.
"Hey graduate."
"Mom why's he here?"
"Dean, he's your father & he came to congratulate you."
"Well thanks. Now bye." Dean said coldly.
"Baby, calm down. Just have dinner with him and hear him out okay. Please? For me." I whispered to him and he rolled his eyes and walked over to the table by his mom.
I sat next to him and Mary just sighed.
"Sorry mom, I'll try." He said and her mouth turned into a slight smile.
"Okay. Well. All the food is on the table, so everyone dig in. Here's to our graduates."
"To our graduates." Everyone said in unison.

The dinner went by smoothly, little touches between Dean and I. My dad and Deans dad we're kinda getting along, and y'all know both our moms were acting like they'd known each other since elementary they were so close. Michael was of course talking with the adults, aka the dads, Sam and Gabe were talking and I'd turned to Dean and just smiled at him.
"What's up with you crazy."
"Nothing. Just looking at the love of my life."
Then the room got kinda quiet.
"Awe, Love you to Cassy."
"Awe!" My broke broke the mood.
I'd turned around and everyone was looking at us.
"Oh boy." Dean said.

This dinner is crazy.

Father's Day inspired chapter.
Hope everyone's having a great day.
Questions:how old are you? What year do you graduate?
A:I'm 17 & graduate class of 2019.

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