Novaks for dinner

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I got home to see my mom was making dinner already.
"Why ya making dinner so early mama?" I asked grabbing a water bottle from the frig.
"Sam has guests coming over for dinner soon, so go shower." She smiled at me.
"Who?" I asked as I began to walk away.
"The Novak's" she said and I spit out my water before heading upstairs and into Sam's room.

"Novak's really!" I said as he put on a pair of boxers.
"Well thanks for not knocking." He said.
"I don't care about seeing you dick I care about why you invited the Novak's of all people."
"Because Dean I think one their kids is cute."
"Oh my god my brother has a high school crush. Who is it?"
"Gabriel, so I invited him for dinner and his mom agreed only if the whole family could come and our mom agreed to that."
"You do know that Castiel and I hate each other right?"
"Get over it for a night." Sam said throwing a shirt over his head.
"Fuck you"
"How abut you go fuck Castiel." He snorted and it took everything not to punch him on the face, so I punched him in the gut instead.

After my shower I heard the front door open and Sammy walked out of my room smelling like my cologne.
"Really dude." I said and he shrugged.
"Smells nice, I want Gabe to like it." He smiled at me nd I went in my room.

Tonight gonna be terrible.

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