Not a Chapter

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I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading my all over the place fanfic. And commenting cause the comments are my favorite part. I enjoy reading them, and reading what you guys think will happen next, or your opinions of the chapter.

I'd like more comments, even if you thought that chapter was shit tell me I can take it, I promise.
Or even if you wanna give me ideas for future chapters that's great.
(Which a lot of you do.)

Anyways, this is just a thank you post for you all cause with out ya there wouldn't really be a book. You guys help me write when I have writers block, and force me to write even when I don't wanna.

So without further ado, this chapter is for premiredimension who commented this idea, the reason why itbtookbso long to update and cause I wanted precision in this chapter.

This is a make it or break it chapter that means a lot to me. So without anymore of me talking. I hope you enjoy it.

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