Why do you think my dick is constantly in your mouth?

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Once we arrived to the school parking lot Dean parked in his 'usual' parking spot and Sam and Gabriel were the first ones out.
"Well they're in a hurry." I said and he just got out.
"Don't come near me, don't be seen with me." He said as we walked to the front doors.
"Oh does Dean Winchester not want to be seen with me? It's not like we're a thing or anything like that."
"Yeah, but frankly your voice annoys me, why do you think my dick is constantly in your mouth?" He replied with a smirk and opened the school door leaving me outside pretty dumbfounded.
I couldn't believe the words that he just said, I was shocked to say the least. I opened the door to go inside and follow him but he was no where to be seen. Guess I'll just see him in class maybe?"

***(WTF is this, I don't do this.)

I was exchanging my books at my locker when Charlie and her possey came up to me.
"So you and Dean?"
"What about Dean and I?" I asked not looking at her.
"Are you two finally a thing?" she asked and I had to remove my head from my locker and look at her with the most serious face I could pull off.
"Oh god no, no, no" I paused to think. "No way in heaven or hell would I do that."
"You two obviously like each other. Why were you two getting out of the same car this morning?"
"We don't like each other, if anything it's the total opposite Charlie, and we got out of the same car because our brothers are kind of a thing, it's complicated because they're complicated. But to keep it on the down low we have to pretend to get along, for their sakes, we want the best from them. And if Gabriel thinks Sam is the best well then he can have the best cause it's all about him right now, now if you excuse me I have a class to attend." I said closing my locker and walking to biology.
As I walked into class Dean was already there, he's never at class on time, what the hell.
"Castiel if you don't shut the fuck up I swear to Jesus Christ I will choke you." he said putting his head down in his folded arms.
I bent down to his ear to whisper one word, the last word I'd say to him until practice. "Kinky" he lost it and literally choked me till my face turned red.

It was football practice time and I had walked into the locker room a little later than usual.
"Novak, you're in charge till I get back." Dean said walking past me.
"Where are you going?" I asked and he didn't even answer me, he just kept walking. 
So after I got changed I told everyone to go outside.
"As Dean always puts it, run a lap and if I catch up to you it's another one." I said and they ran out on the track me following them.
After our little lap was over I told Charlie to lead the stretching then we took a little break, something Dean doesn't often do. I saw Charlie walking over to me and I braced myself for what she was about to throw at me.
"Where's you little boyfriend?"
"He's not my boyfriend, and I don't he didn't answer me when I asked him."
"He didn't? This isn't like him."
"Yeah it isn't, coach Bobby isn't even here."
"He's out sick Dean was suppose to keep everything in check today." she told me and I nodded. 
"Well he's not doing his fucking job, typical." I shook my head.
"Whatever you say, we should get to practicing before Dean get's out here and loses his shit." she laughed and so did I.
"You're right, everyone on the field." I yelled and we got in the position of the play and began.

By the time practice was half way over Dean showed up and jumped right in, as if he already knew the new plays. He probably did to be honest, knowing him and his uncle. I focused on my playing making sure I didn't fuck up cause to be truthful I'm not the best at remembering things especially when they're fast paced like football, but I try my hardest. After doing 2 more plays Dean called it quits for the day, what's usually our break was where he called it quits, what's up with him today? I wondered but I think all my questions were answered when a little brunette came from the stands yelling his name. He told her to go home and leave him alone and she looked upset but did as told. We were all getting our shit together and people were leaving one by one, Dean and I were a few of the last people to leave but today we were the last ones there.
"Where the fuck where you?" I asked him and he was messing with stuff in his locker.
"None of your business Novak."
"Who was the girl? Fuck buddy?"
"Yeah to be exact she was, a clingy one too. Kinda like you, can't get enough of me." he said and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever Winchester, you're a piece of shit I hope you know that." I said and he closed his locked door and looked at me.
"Oh Castiel, I'm well aware. But you don't seem to mind how bad of a person I am when your pretty little mouth is around my cock now do you." he said walking in front of me.
"No sir I don't."  I gulped, angry Dean turned me on a fucking lot.
"Exactly, so you should probably shut up." he said inching his face towards mine.
"And if I don't?" I retorted.
"I'll fuck you right against my locked Castiel."
"Do it, you won't."
"Are you challenging me Novak?"
"Yes I am Winchester." I smirked and he kissed my neck.
"Challenge accepted." he said.

Things were about to get real in this locker room.

HAHA hoe's a smutty cliffhanger, you're welcome. I think this is longer than most of my chapters considering it's over a thousand words. Most chappies in this book have a few hundred, oh well. TBH idk where this story is going but I hope you enjoy Deans bipolar mood swings cause they're pretty great, so is his hoeing around like Emily does. LOLOLOL. Okay guys,  see ya later :)

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